«Argument 1 passed to Magento\Catalog\Block\Adminhtml\Product\Edit\Tab\ChildTab::setTab() must implement interface Magento\Backend\Block\Widget\Tab\TabInterface, instance of Magento\Framework\DataObject given» while opening a simple product in admin

The bug is related to Admin Product Page is broken: «Element with ID ‘catalog.product.edit.tab.downloadable.links’ already exists»

See the code:

$group->getAttributeGroupCode() can return null.

I opened the eav_attribute_group table and saw that some records has null in attribute_group_code column:

SELECT * FROM  `eav_attribute_group` WHERE attribute_set_id IN (
	SELECT attribute_set_id FROM eav_attribute_set WHERE entity_type_id =4

This is because of the incorrect attribute group identifier generation algorithm:
Attribute group code generation algorithm is incorrect because it can return null for an attribute group with non-Latin name

$group->getAttributeGroupCode() becomes the tab identifier. So we have a tab with null identifier.

$childTab->getParentTab() === $parentTab->getId() compares null with null and returns true.