[Moip] A response to «POST v2/customers»

The API specification:

	"id": "CUS-ZGSH7VMTP5DH",
	"ownId": "CUS-58fad52d5c845",
	"fullname": "Dmitry Fedyuk",
	"createdAt": "2017-04-22T00:59:50.000-03",
	"birthDate": "1982-07-08",
	"email": "admin@mage2.pro",
	"phone": {
		"countryCode": "55",
		"areaCode": "11",
		"number": "66778899"
	"taxDocument": {
		"type": "CPF",
		"number": "22222222222"
	"shippingAddress": {
		"zipCode": "01234000",
		"street": "Avenida Faria Lima",
		"streetNumber": "2927",
		"complement": "8",
		"city": "Sao Paulo",
		"district": "Itaim",
		"state": "SP",
		"country": "BRA"
	"_links": {
		"self": {
			"href": "https://sandbox.moip.com.br/v2/customers/CUS-ZGSH7VMTP5DH"
		"hostedAccount": {
			"redirectHref": "https://hostedaccount-sandbox.moip.com.br?token=4b263030-fd86-460c-a83e-154d2ebe8e92&id=CUS-ZGSH7VMTP5DH&mpa=MPA-B5A5BC7D23A2"

See also:

A POST /v2/customers request with a bank card hash as a fundingInstruments parameter leads to an undocumented {"ERROR": "Ops... We were not waiting for it"} response.

Whether the Moip API v2 allows 2 different merchant accounts to use the same identifier (ownId) for a customer (in a POST /v2/customers request)?