Why does the «Product update» Button is not working for me?

Product update Button is not working in my Magento 2 Store Admin Panel.

enter image description here

In console of Browser I got below message.

JQMIGRATE: Logging is active   

I got below message in var/log/debug.log file.

[2017-05-14 10:31:05] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate:  {"method":"POST","url":"http://mystore.com/new_site/admin_yfpeh1/admin/index/index/key/fdccfbc5eb0a8388bc190aaf17bc1b99237b222767825f7497f230684411cfd5/","invalidateInfo":{"tags":["BACKEND_MAINMENU"],"mode":"matchingAnyTag"},"is_exception":false} []

var/log/exception.log file is empty.

How can I Debug this Situation ?

I do not see any «Product update» button on your screenshot.

Thanks @dmitry_fedyuk for your reply. The Big “Save” button is the Product Update button. Thanks.

It looks like the JavaScript software part is not fully loaded to your browser.
You can check it in the Chrome Developer Console on the «Network» tab.

Thanks @dmitry_fedyuk for your reply. Here is the screenshot of Network tab .

Now it is time to learn how to use it.
Disable the browser’s cache and reload the page.

Thanks @dmitry_fedyuk. Here is the Disable browser’s cache screenshot. Thanks

Learn how to switch the «Network» tab in the Chrome Developer Console to the following state.
Then locate the red lines and do thinking why are they failed to be loaded.

Thanks @dmitry_fedyuk for your reply. No one is failed to be loaded. Every one’s status is 200. Here is my screenshot

Check (using the same «Network» tab) whether the browser-based Magento part make any requests to its server part on the button click.