How to diagnose a «Error log record number» failure?

I received the error when checking out. Payment went through, but it may just be the file is missing.

URL where error was received /checkout/onepage/success/

The page created an error:

Error log record number: 499957153369


To diagnose a «Error log record number» failure you should find the report with the record number given inside the var/reports folder.

I have it but don’t want to share it over an open form. I would also like my previous thread deleted or any mention of my domain.

Can I forward you the error log?

Just remove any sensitive information from the log.

I contacted the shipping module as I thought that the error was caused by that module, not the square module. They stated the issue isn’t related to the shipping module, and may have to do with the square module.

I have attached the error log here (1.7 KB)

A post was split to a new topic: The «WebKul Magento Canada Post Shipping extension» breaks my checkout