[AlphaCommerceHub] Why does the «API Integration Guide(Nov 2017)» recommend to send the API requests to an unknown `hub.apcld.net` domain?

At 2017-10-25, @Steve_Rivas said that the hubapi.alphacommercehub.com.au and hubapiuat.alphacommercehub.com.au domains should be used for the AlphaCommerceHub’s API requests:

But «API Integration Guide(Nov 2017)» recommends to use a totally different API domain hub.apcld.net in its «API Submission» section:

So @gallaron, who is right?

See also:

@dmitry_fedyuk standard Alpha urls are documented in the developer centre but there is a different set of proxies for AlphaCommerceHub.

For current build of plugin you should use those supplied by Steve in his email. However the plugin should be possible to change to a different set e.g. to point to a different regional data centre.

@Steve_Rivas can you revise the ACH developer centre for ACH urls

OK, I will add an ability to change the API’s sandbox and production domains: