How to get shipping details after checkout ?


I am trying to get the shipping details after checkout in observer, i am getting billing details
$billingId = $customerSession->getCustomer()->getDefaultBilling();
$address = $objectManager->create(‘Magento\Customer\Model\Address’)->load($billingId);

but just stuck in shipping details, can any one help me to sort this ?

What does mean “after checkout”?

Actually i have set an observer on checkout_onepage_controller_success_action through which i am saving all the orders information to a temporary table, so i want to get shipping details.
i have tried

 $customerSession 	= $objectManager->create('Magento\Customer\Model\Session');
    $shippingAddress = $customerSession->getCustomer()->getShippingAddress(); 

also tried

$Shipping3      = $this->_checkoutSession->getShippingAddress()->getData();

but both are not working.

I got my solution

$IncrementId 		= $OrderNumber = $this->_checkoutSession->getLastRealOrder()->getIncrementId();
$order_information 	    = $order->loadByIncrementId($IncrementId);
$shipping_data = $order_information->getShippingAddress()->getData();
and got these fields
    [entity_id] => 124
    [parent_id] => 102
    [customer_address_id] => 
    [quote_address_id] => 
    [region_id] => 12
    [customer_id] => 
    [fax] => 
    [region] => California
    [postcode] => 90001
    [lastname] => Admin
    [street] => #534
new horizon
    [city] => Tornado
    [email] => 
    [telephone] => 
    [country_id] => US
    [firstname] => Magento
    [address_type] => shipping
    [prefix] => 
    [middlename] => 
    [suffix] => 
    [company] => Browsewire
    [vat_id] => 
    [vat_is_valid] => 
    [vat_request_id] => 
    [vat_request_date] => 
    [vat_request_success] => 