Is there any approach import bulk categories?


Is there any approach import bulk categories?Can you please suggest if any?

What’s your starting point? Does your catgeory data have any tree structure?
Do you need to know how to save a category in code? e.g.:

    $category = $this->categoryFactory->create([
        'data' => [
            "parent_id" => $parentCategoryId,
            "name" => 'The Category name',
            "is_active" => true,
            "position" => 2,
            "include_in_menu" => true,

        "display_mode"=> "PRODUCTS",
        "is_anchor"=> "1",
        "custom_use_parent_settings"=> "0",
        "custom_apply_to_products"=> "0",
        "automatic_sorting"=> "0",
        'url_key' => 'some_url_key',
        'url_path' => 'some_url_path'

    $categoryRepo = $categoryRepositoryFactory->create();

    try {
        $newCategory = $categoryRepo->save($category);
    } catch (CouldNotSaveException $e) {
        throw new \Exception($e->getMessage().'('.$category->getUrlKey().')');



Actually i am migrating the category from magento 1.x to magento 2.0.7.In fresh instance it is working fine,But in existing magento2 instance i am facing the issue.The category name is not displaying.Why?