[Paymill] The «paymill.createToken» call for the «5105105105105100» card with the «07/2021» expiration data should fail in the test mode according to the documentation, but it is not

The documentation says:

Please use the following credit card number: 5105105105105100 the CVV is any 3-digit number you can choose on your own. It is important that you use only the following expiration dates of the credit card to get back the complete entry error code.

Currency or amount mismatch

But my request with the «5105105105105100» card and with the «07/2021» expiration data does not fail in the test mode:

	"amount_int": 12580,
	"cardholder": "DMITRY FEDYUK",
	"currency": "EUR",
	"cvc": "111",
	"exp_month": "7",
	"exp_year": "2021",
	"number": "5105105105105100"
function(error, response) {
		The request should fail, but it is not!	
		error is null
		response is an object:
				"token": "tok_40301_eac64d540186b02221439c",
				"bin": "510510",
				"binCountry": "DE",
				"brand": "MASTER",
				"last4Digits": "5100",
				"ip": "",
				"ipCountry": ""

I have got a response (after 10 days):

The error message 42410 usually comes when the tokenizations was successful, on which no transaction attempts followed.

Our documentation: https://developers.paymill.com/guides/introduction/getting-started

Note: if you do not verify a token within 5 minutes by doing a preauthorisation or transaction then it will become invalid and cannot be used anymore.

In this case the attempt will be shown in the PAYMILL Merchant Centre as failed transaction with the response code 42000: Initiation of transaction failed.

In case of a successful tokenization it will show the attempt with status open and the response code 22000: Initiation of transaction successful.

When you create a successful transaction with this token the status will change to closed with response code 20000: Operation successful.

When the initiated transaction is not completed within 5min the status will change to failed with response code 42410: Initiation of transaction expired.