[Kassa Compleet] How can I get the details from Kassa Complete into my accounting package?

You can generate an MT940 report from the Compleet portal.
On the Report tab, you can indicate from which period you would like to download the transaction details.
You then choose the correct type: MT940 IBP structured, MT940 IBP unstructured or MT940 My ING Business.
Click on the Download button.
You can now save the file and import it into your accounting package.
You can find more information on this in the Kassa Compleet portal under Reports.
Whenever you wish to retrieve your details for your accounts without MT940 reporting, you can look at both the invoice and the payouts to have an overview of all your costs.
If you click on a payout, then you see the costs of the payment method.
A line for Costs of payment method is included in the details.