«Connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 web services using OAuth».
Before you can use OAuth authentication to connect with the Dynamics 365 web services, your application must first be registered with Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
Azure Active Directory is used to verify that your application is permitted access to the business data stored in a Dynamics 365 tenant.
- A plugin for WordPress that allows users to authenticate with Azure AD B2C using OpenID Connect: GitHub - AzureAD/active-directory-b2c-wordpress-plugin-openidconnect: A plugin for WordPress that allows users to authenticate with Azure AD B2C using OpenID Connect.
- Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for PHP: GitHub - introp-software/azure-activedirectory-library-for-php: The ADAL SDK for PHP gives your application the full functionality of Microsoft Azure AD, including industry standard protocol support for OAuth2, Web API integration with user level consent, and two factor authentication support.
- Azure Active Directory Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client