Hi Dmitry,
We have checked the installed extension. Right now it is giving error when we try to do a test payment. Below is the error.
"Redirect Params": {
"RefNo": "000000007",
"Amount": "1.00",
"BackendURL": "http://***/default/dfe-ipay88/confirm",
"Currency": "MYR",
"Lang": "UTF-8",
"MerchantCode": "M10000",
"PaymentId": "168",
"ProdDesc": "CK2-20700628 SILVER With Different Sizes",
"Remark": "***",
"ResponseURL": "http://***/default/dfe-ipay88/customerReturn",
"UserContact": "03434343434",
"UserEmail": "***",
"UserName": "***",
"Signature": "LrngJffLKtGbni5QHFK+g9LLtpQ="
"Redirect URL": "https://www.mobile88.com/epayment/entry.asp"
Customer Return:
"MerchantCode": "M10000",
"PaymentId": "168",
"RefNo": "000000007",
"Amount": "1.00",
"Currency": "MYR",
"Remark": "*** // 000000007",
"TransId": "T123357552400",
"AuthCode": "",
"Status": "0",
"ErrDesc": "Invalid parameters(Payment Not Allow)",
"Signature": "",
"HiddenToURL": "http://***/default/dfe-ipay88/customerReturn",
"ActionType": "",
"TokenId": "",
"CCCOriTokenId": "",
"PromoCode": "",
"DiscountedAmount": "",
"MTVersion": "",
"MTLogId": ""
Please help to fix this and let me know if you need any other details.