Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition bug: «The file "/composer.json" doesn't exist»

###Magento Support asked us to remove all mage2pro modules (to solve our ticket with them for Magento Cloud failing on deployment to live server)

It has been 2 weeks where we could not push any code from beta to Magento because the deploy process fails. Magento only yesterday finally responded and they said that removing Stripe and Mercado Pago will solve deployment. I tried and they were actually right, now beta successfully deploys again to Magento Cloud. I have no idea what specifically causes the failure but the error I saw consistently was :

Generating autoload files
  The file "/composer.json" doesn't exist            
  module:enable [-f|--force] [--all] [-c|--clear-static-content] [--magento-init-params="..."] [module1] ... [moduleN]
  Command php ./bin/magento module:enable --all returned code 1  

 E: Error building project: The build hook failed with status code 1. Aborted build.

 E: Error: Unable to build project, aborting deployment.

Does it have something to do with the fact that deploy is looking for composer.json in the root of the server and not in Magento directory? I am not sure but obviously we can’t push to live without a payment processor so I am hoping you know what it might be. Here are more logs and screenshots. Hope it helps…

With mage2pro extensions installed

after removing mage2pro modules

Found 1 new commit.

Building application 'mymagento' (runtime type: php:7.0, tree ID: 45d75b6)
  Generating runtime configuration.
  Moving the application to the output directory
  W: Overriding path `robots.txt` that already exists in destination.
  Prewarming composer cache.
  Found a `composer.json`, installing dependencies.
  Executing build hook...
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Verbosity level is not set
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Start build.
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Applying magento-cloud-configuration patches.
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:php /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patch.php
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
  0 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Copying static.php to front-static.php',
  1 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/MAGETWO-57799.patch',
  2 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  3 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  4 => ')',
  5 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/change-vendor-path.patch',
  6 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  7 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  8 => ')',
  9 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/fix-static-assets-controller.patch',
  10 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  11 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  12 => ')',
  13 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/flyweightfactory.patch',
  14 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  15 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  16 => ')',
  17 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/generation-not-writable.patch',
  18 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  19 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  20 => ')',
  21 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/locker-process.patch',
  22 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  23 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  24 => ')',
  25 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/remove-permission-checks.patch',
  26 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  27 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  28 => ')',
  29 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/secure-static-resource.patch',
  30 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  31 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  32 => ')',
  33 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/setup-area-plugins.patch',
  34 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  35 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  36 => ')',
  37 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/setup-area.patch',
  38 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
  39 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
  40 => ')',
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Checking if patches exist under /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/DEBUG_PATCH_MDVA_4127_composer_V2.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-1400_2.0_COMPOSER_v1.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-2478-2.1_composer.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-3523_CUSTOM_EE_2.1.5_composer_v1.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-4125_EE_2.1.6_V1_COMPOSER.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:composer dump-autoload
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Command:rm -rf var/generation/*
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Command:rm -rf var/di/*
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Enabling all modules
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Command:php ./bin/magento module:enable --all
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Output:array (
  0 => 'The following modules have been enabled:',
  1 => '- Magento_Config',
  2 => '- Magento_Store',
  3 => '- Magento_Directory',
  4 => '- Auctane_Api',
  5 => '- Magento_Eav',
  6 => '- BoostMyShop_Supplier',
  7 => '- BoostMyShop_OrderPreparation',
  8 => '- Magento_Theme',
  9 => '- Magento_Customer',
  10 => '- Magento_AdminNotification',
  11 => '- CommerceExtensions_GuestToReg',
  12 => '- CommerceExtensions_OrderImportExport',
  13 => '- Magento_Indexer',
  14 => '- Magento_Cms',
  15 => '- Magento_Backend',
  16 => '- Fastly_Cdn',
  17 => '- Magento_Catalog',
  18 => '- Magento_Payment',
  19 => '- Magento_Rule',
  20 => '- Fooman_ConnectLicense',
  21 => '- Magento_CheckoutAgreements',
  22 => '- Magento_User',
  23 => '- Magento_CatalogInventory',
  24 => '- Magento_SalesSequence',
  25 => '- Magento_Quote',
  26 => '- Magento_Sales',
  27 => '- Gene_BlueFoot',
  28 => '- Magento_Ui',
  29 => '- MageVision_FreeShippingAdmin',
  30 => '- Magefan_Blog',
  31 => '- Magefan_LoginAsCustomer',
  32 => '- Magenest_InstagramShop',
  33 => '- Magento_AdminGws',
  34 => '- Magento_Developer',
  35 => '- Magento_AdvancedCatalog',
  36 => '- Magento_AdvancedCheckout',
  37 => '- Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport',
  38 => '- Magento_AdvancedRule',
  39 => '- Magento_SalesRule',
  40 => '- Magento_Search',
  41 => '- Magento_Amqp',
  42 => '- Magento_Authorization',
  43 => '- Magento_Checkout',
  44 => '- Magento_RequireJs',
  45 => '- Magento_Backup',
  46 => '- Magento_CatalogRule',
  47 => '- Magento_Widget',
  48 => '- Magento_Vault',
  49 => '- Magento_Bundle',
  50 => '- Magento_BundleImportExport',
  51 => '- Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite',
  52 => '- Magento_CacheInvalidate',
  53 => '- Magento_Captcha',
  54 => '- Amazon_Core',
  55 => '- Magento_MediaStorage',
  56 => '- Magento_CatalogImportExport',
  57 => '- Magento_CatalogImportExportStaging',
  58 => '- BoostMyShop_AdvancedStock',
  59 => '- Magento_Staging',
  60 => '- Magento_CatalogSearch',
  61 => '- Magento_CustomerCustomAttributes',
  62 => '- Magento_Msrp',
  63 => '- Magento_VersionsCms',
  64 => '- Magento_WebsiteRestriction',
  65 => '- Magento_Downloadable',
  66 => '- Magento_GiftCard',
  67 => '- Magento_UrlRewrite',
  68 => '- Magento_CatalogWidget',
  69 => '- Fooman_EmailAttachments',
  70 => '- Magento_ConfigurableProduct',
  71 => '- Magento_CheckoutStaging',
  72 => '- BoostMyShop_AvailabilityStatus',
  73 => '- Magento_CmsStaging',
  74 => '- Magento_CmsUrlRewrite',
  75 => '- Amazon_Login',
  76 => '- Magento_ConfigurableImportExport',
  77 => '- Fooman_PdfCore',
  78 => '- Magento_Wishlist',
  79 => '- Magento_Contact',
  80 => '- Magento_Cookie',
  81 => '- Magento_Cron',
  82 => '- Magento_CurrencySymbol',
  83 => '- Magento_CustomAttributeManagement',
  84 => '- BoostMyShop_Erp',
  85 => '- Magento_CustomerBalance',
  86 => '- Magento_CustomerSegment',
  87 => '- Magento_CustomerFinance',
  88 => '- Magento_CustomerImportExport',
  89 => '- Magento_Banner',
  90 => '- Magento_Cybersource',
  91 => '- Magento_Deploy',
  92 => '- Amazon_Payment',
  93 => '- Magento_Dhl',
  94 => '- BoostMyShop_UltimateReport',
  95 => '- Magento_ProductAlert',
  96 => '- Magento_ImportExport',
  97 => '- Magento_Reports',
  98 => '- Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable',
  99 => '- Magento_AdvancedSearch',
  100 => '- Magento_Email',
  101 => '- Magento_EncryptionKey',
  102 => '- Magento_Enterprise',
  103 => '- Magento_Eway',
  104 => '- Magento_Fedex',
  105 => '- Magento_TargetRule',
  106 => '- Magento_GiftCardAccount',
  107 => '- Magento_GiftCardImportExport',
  108 => '- Magento_Tax',
  109 => '- Magento_GiftMessage',
  110 => '- Magento_GiftMessageStaging',
  111 => '- Magento_Weee',
  112 => '- Magento_GiftWrapping',
  113 => '- Magento_GiftWrappingStaging',
  114 => '- Magento_GoogleAdwords',
  115 => '- Magento_GoogleAnalytics',
  116 => '- Magento_GoogleOptimizer',
  117 => '- Magento_GoogleOptimizerStaging',
  118 => '- Magento_PageCache',
  119 => '- Magento_GroupedImportExport',
  120 => '- Magento_GroupedProduct',
  121 => '- Magento_GroupedProductStaging',
  122 => '- Magento_DownloadableImportExport',
  123 => '- CueBlocks_AdminOnlyPaymentMethod',
  124 => '- Magento_Security',
  125 => '- Magento_Invitation',
  126 => '- Magento_LayeredNavigation',
  127 => '- Magento_LayeredNavigationStaging',
  128 => '- Magento_Logging',
  129 => '- Magento_Marketplace',
  130 => '- Magento_CatalogEvent',
  131 => '- Magento_MessageQueue',
  132 => '- Fooman_PrintOrderPdf',
  133 => '- Magento_MsrpStaging',
  134 => '- Magento_MultipleWishlist',
  135 => '- Magento_Multishipping',
  136 => '- Magento_MysqlMq',
  137 => '- Magento_NewRelicReporting',
  138 => '- Magento_Newsletter',
  139 => '- Magento_OfflinePayments',
  140 => '- Magento_OfflineShipping',
  141 => '- Magento_GoogleTagManager',
  142 => '- Fooman_Connect',
  143 => '- Magento_PaymentStaging',
  144 => '- Magento_Paypal',
  145 => '- Magento_Persistent',
  146 => '- Magento_PersistentHistory',
  147 => '- Magento_PricePermissions',
  148 => '- Magento_GiftRegistry',
  149 => '- Magento_ProductVideo',
  150 => '- Magento_CatalogStaging',
  151 => '- Magento_PromotionPermissions',
  152 => '- Magento_Authorizenet',
  153 => '- Magento_Reminder',
  154 => '- Magento_ConfigurableProductStaging',
  155 => '- Magento_Shipping',
  156 => '- Magento_ResourceConnections',
  157 => '- Magento_Review',
  158 => '- Magento_ReviewStaging',
  159 => '- Magento_Reward',
  160 => '- Magento_Rma',
  161 => '- Magento_RmaStaging',
  162 => '- Magento_Rss',
  163 => '- Fooman_ConnectAddonCanada',
  164 => '- Fooman_PdfCustomiser',
  165 => '- Magento_SalesArchive',
  166 => '- Magento_SalesInventory',
  167 => '- Magento_AdvancedSalesRule',
  168 => '- Magento_SalesRuleStaging',
  169 => '- Fooman_SameOrderInvoiceNumber',
  170 => '- Magento_SampleData',
  171 => '- Magento_ScalableCheckout',
  172 => '- Magento_ScalableInventory',
  173 => '- Magento_ScalableOms',
  174 => '- Magento_ScheduledImportExport',
  175 => '- Magento_Elasticsearch',
  176 => '- Magento_SearchStaging',
  177 => '- Magento_Integration',
  178 => '- Magento_SendFriend',
  179 => '- Ess_M2ePro',
  180 => '- Magento_Sitemap',
  181 => '- Magento_Solr',
  182 => '- Magento_CatalogInventoryStaging',
  183 => '- FishPig_WordPress',
  184 => '- Magento_Support',
  185 => '- Magento_Swagger',
  186 => '- Magento_Swatches',
  187 => '- Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation',
  188 => '- Magento_GiftCardStaging',
  189 => '- Fooman_FixForFullTaxOnInvoicePdf',
  190 => '- Magento_TaxImportExport',
  191 => '- Ebizmarts_MageMonkey',
  192 => '- Magento_Translation',
  193 => '- Limesharp_Stockists',
  194 => '- Magento_Ups',
  195 => '- Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteStaging',
  196 => '- Magento_BundleStaging',
  197 => '- Magento_Usps',
  198 => '- Magento_Variable',
  199 => '- Magento_Braintree',
  200 => '- Magento_Version',
  201 => '- Magento_CatalogRuleStaging',
  202 => '- Magento_VisualMerchandiser',
  203 => '- Magento_Webapi',
  204 => '- Magento_WebapiSecurity',
  205 => '- Magento_CatalogPermissions',
  206 => '- Magento_DownloadableStaging',
  207 => '- Magento_WeeeStaging',
  208 => '- Magento_BannerCustomerSegment',
  209 => '- Magento_ProductVideoStaging',
  210 => '- Magento_Worldpay',
  211 => '- Mageplaza_Core',
  212 => '- Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation',
  213 => '- MercadoPago_Core',
  214 => '- MercadoPago_MercadoEnvios',
  215 => '- Nwdthemes_Base',
  216 => '- Nwdthemes_Revslider',
  217 => '- Plumrocket_Base',
  218 => '- Plumrocket_SocialLoginFree',
  219 => '- Pump_Applepay',
  220 => '- Pump_Bootstrap',
  221 => '- Pump_Canadapost',
  222 => '- Pump_ChannelIntegration',
  223 => '- Pump_Conversions',
  224 => '- Pump_ImageEngine',
  225 => '- Pump_Pumpadmin',
  226 => '- Pump_Shipping',
  227 => '- Pump_Tracking',
  228 => '- Pump_Updateinventory',
  229 => '- Pump_Wplogin',
  230 => '- Scommerce_Core',
  231 => '- Scommerce_FacebookConversion',
  232 => '- Shipwire_Shipping',
  233 => '- ShopGo_CurrencyImportServices',
  234 => '- Shopial_Facebook',
  235 => '- Simi_Paypalmobile',
  236 => '- Simi_Simiconnector',
  237 => '- Taxjar_SalesTax',
  238 => '- WeltPixel_Backend',
  239 => '- WeltPixel_GoogleCards',
  240 => '- WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider',
  241 => '- Wyomind_Core',
  242 => '- Wyomind_DataFeedManager',
  243 => '- Yotpo_Yotpo',
  244 => '- Zendesk_Zendesk',
  245 => '',
  246 => 'Cache cleared successfully.',
  247 => 'Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the \'setup:di:compile\' command to generate classes.',
  248 => 'Info: Some modules might require static view files to be cleared. To do this, run \'module:enable\' with the --clear-static-content option to clear them.',
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Running DI compilation
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Command:php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile  
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
  0 => 'Compilation was started.',
  1 => '%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------]   0% 1 sec 44.0 MiB%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------]   0% 1 sec 44.0 MiBProxies code generation... 0/7 [>---------------------------]   0% 1 sec 44.0 MiB',
  2 => 'Proxies code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14% 1 sec 50.0 MiB',
  3 => 'Repositories code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------]  14% 1 sec 50.0 MiB',
  4 => 'Repositories code generation... 2/7 [========>-------------------]  28% 13 secs 278.0 MiB',
  5 => 'Service data attributes generation... 2/7 [========>-------------------]  28% 13 secs 278.0 MiB',
  6 => 'Service data attributes generation... 3/7 [============>---------------]  42% 13 secs 280.0 MiB',
  7 => 'Application code generator... 3/7 [============>---------------]  42% 13 secs 280.0 MiB',
  8 => 'Application code generator... 4/7 [================>-----------]  57% 34 secs 298.0 MiB',
  9 => 'Interceptors generation... 4/7 [================>-----------]  57% 34 secs 298.0 MiB',
  10 => 'Interceptors generation... 5/7 [====================>-------]  71% 2 mins 352.0 MiB',
  11 => 'Area configuration aggregation... 5/7 [====================>-------]  71% 2 mins 352.0 MiB',
  12 => 'Area configuration aggregation... 6/7 [========================>---]  85% 2 mins 500.0 MiB',
  13 => 'Interception cache generation... 6/7 [========================>---]  85% 2 mins 500.0 MiB',
  14 => 'Interception cache generation... 7/7 [============================] 100% 2 mins 500.0 MiB',
  15 => 'Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.',
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Skipping static content deploy
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Clearing temporary directory.
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf ../init/*
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf app/etc/env.php
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf app/etc/config.php
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Copying writable directories to temp directory.
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p init/var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R var/di/* ./init/var/di/"
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p init/var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R var/generation/* ./init/var/generation/"
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p init/app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R app/etc/* ./init/app/etc/"
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:rm -rf app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p init/pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R pub/media/* ./init/pub/media/"
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:rm -rf pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
Generating autoload files
  Executing pre-flight checks...

  Compressing application.
  Beaming package to its final destination.

Provisioning certificates:
  Reusing existing certificates.

Re-deploying environment 65y2iwmymaini-master.
  Environment configuration:
mymagento (type: php:7.0, size: S, disk: 25480)
elasticsearch (type: elasticsearch:2.4, size: S, disk: 2048)
redis (type: redis:3.0, size: S)
mysql (type: mysql:10.0, size: S, disk: 3072)

  Environment routes: is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento` is served by application `mymagento`

Please publish the ticket you have mentioned:

to solve our ticket with them for Magento Cloud failing on deployment to live server

Sure! here is the full ticket:

** Request #3732 **

[DomainException] remote: Default website is not defined

  • ![Avatar](
    **Sam** June 07, 2017 05:07

    Our local dev environment is upgraded to 2.1.7

    I sent a command to clean a remote branch off of production (which was called ‘q’) - after entering the instructions to delete a branch from Magento Cloud GUI (git push production --delete q) - the master branch started upgrading and a deployment started as if I was pushing to master.

    That being the case, I then had no choice but to actually push to master which is now failing with the error:

    remote: Default website is not defined

    Why is it failing? Is 2.1.7 not out yet for cloud??

    Thank you

    • ![Avatar](
      **KS Chan** June 07, 2017 05:11


      Your issue requires additional investigation. An application specialist will respond to your issue shortly.


    • ![Avatar](
      **Robyn Shannon** June 07, 2017 05:20

      Hello Sam,
      2.1.7 is available for Cloud. Are you installing with composer? If so, can you provide the email address you used to create your credentials?

      Please let me know.

      Kind regards,
      Robyn Shannon

    • ![Avatar](
      **Sam** June 07, 2017 07:21

      HI Robyn

      Yes with the composer. - the build keeps failing. The patches inside cloud-configuration don’t apply and break the build. How do I fix this?

    • ![Avatar](
      **Sam** June 08, 2017 19:34


    • ![Avatar](
      **Anthony Chico** June 13, 2017 03:53

      Hello Sam,

      I’ve asked my developers to investigate further, and we will let you know what they say.


      Subscribe to for service availability

    • ![Avatar](
      **Anthony Chico** June 14, 2017 00:06

      Hello Sam

      My developer wasn’t able to reproduce the error “Default website is not defined”, but has found the cause of issue during static deploy:

        94 => '#0 /app/vendor/magento/framework/Css/PreProcessor/FileGenerator/RelatedGenerator.php(77): Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File->getContent()',
        95 => '#1 /app/vendor/magento/module-developer/Model/Css/PreProcessor/FileGenerator/PublicationDecorator.php(68): Magento\\Framework\\Css\\PreProcessor\\FileGenerator\\RelatedGenerator->generateRelatedFile(\'variables.less\', Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        96 => '#2 /app/vendor/magento/framework/Css/PreProcessor/FileGenerator/RelatedGenerator.php(62): Magento\\Developer\\Model\\Css\\PreProcessor\\FileGenerator\\PublicationDecorator->generateRelatedFile(\'variables.less\', Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        97 => '#3 /app/vendor/magento/framework/Css/PreProcessor/Instruction/Import.php(69): Magento\\Framework\\Css\\PreProcessor\\FileGenerator\\RelatedGenerator->generate(Object(Magento\\Framework\\Css\\PreProcessor\\Instruction\\Import))',
        98 => '#4 /app/vendor/magento/framework/View/Asset/PreProcessor/Pool.php(74): Magento\\Framework\\Css\\PreProcessor\\Instruction\\Import->process(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\PreProcessor\\Chain))',
        99 => '#5 /app/vendor/magento/framework/View/Asset/Source.php(152): Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\PreProcessor\\Pool->process(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\PreProcessor\\Chain))',
        100 => '#6 /app/vendor/magento/framework/View/Asset/Source.php(105): Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\Source->preProcess(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        101 => '#7 /app/var/generation/Magento/Framework/View/Asset/Source/Interceptor.php(24): Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\Source->getFile(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        102 => '#8 /app/vendor/magento/framework/View/Asset/File.php(150): Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\Source\\Interceptor->getFile(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        103 => '#9 /app/vendor/magento/framework/App/View/Asset/Publisher.php(73): Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File->getSourceFile()',
        104 => '#10 /app/vendor/magento/framework/App/View/Asset/Publisher.php(61): Magento\\Framework\\App\\View\\Asset\\Publisher->publishAsset(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        105 => '#11 /app/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Model/Deploy/LocaleDeploy.php(398): Magento\\Framework\\App\\View\\Asset\\Publisher->publish(Object(Magento\\Framework\\View\\Asset\\File))',
        106 => '#12 /app/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Model/Deploy/LocaleDeploy.php(300): Magento\\Deploy\\Model\\Deploy\\LocaleDeploy->deployFile(\'css/bootstrap/_...\', \'frontend\', \'Pump/pumptheme\', \'en_US\', \'\', \'/app/app/design...\')',
        107 => '#13 /app/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Model/Deploy/LocaleDeploy.php(229): Magento\\Deploy\\Model\\Deploy\\LocaleDeploy->deployAppFiles(\'frontend\', \'Pump/pumptheme\', \'en_US\')',
        108 => '#14 [internal function]: Magento\\Deploy\\Model\\Deploy\\LocaleDeploy->deploy(\'frontend\', \'Pump/pumptheme\', \'en_US\')',
        109 => '#15 /app/vendor/magento/framework/App/State.php(171): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)',
        110 => '#16 /app/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Model/DeployManager.php(132): Magento\\Framework\\App\\State->emulateAreaCode(\'frontend\', Array, Array)',
        111 => '#17 /app/vendor/magento/module-deploy/Console/Command/DeployStaticContentCommand.php(386): Magento\\Deploy\\Model\\DeployManager->deploy()',
        112 => '#18 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Command/Command.php(257): Magento\\Deploy\\Console\\Command\\DeployStaticContentCommand->execute(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))',
        113 => '#19 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php(874): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))',
        114 => '#20 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php(195): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRunCommand(Object(Magento\\Deploy\\Console\\Command\\DeployStaticContentCommand), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))',
        115 => '#21 /app/vendor/magento/framework/Console/Cli.php(87): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))',
        116 => '#22 /app/vendor/symfony/console/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php(126): Magento\\Framework\\Console\\Cli->doRun(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))',
        117 => '#23 /app/bin/magento(23): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->run()',
        118 => '#24 {main}',

      In app/design/frontend/Pump/pumptheme/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml you have:
      <css src="css/bootstrap.min.css"/>

      So Magento tries to open css/bootstrap.min.less file but there is only css/bootstrap.min.css available.

      Please create the file app/design/frontend/Pump/pumptheme/web/css/bootstrap.min.less


      Subscribe to for service availability

    • ![Avatar](
      **Sam** June 16, 2017 15:44

      Hi Anthony

      Thanks, that is the reason why static deploy failed but not the reason why the build fails. If you try to build by either php bin/magento magneto-cloud:build OR magento-cloud local:build OR just push a new commit to magento master you will see the error I was asking about …please see screenshot. Can I please get a resolution today, its been 10 days since this error. thank you

      • ![Avatar](
        **Robyn Shannon** June 21, 2017 09:36

        Hello Sam,

        My apologies for the late reply. I have escalated your results to our developers and will provide an update with their recommendations as soon as they complete their investigations. If they require anything else from you, I’ll let you know.

        Kind regards,

        Subscribe to for service availability

      • ![Avatar](
        **Sam** July 06, 2017 04:26

        Is there any word on this? I was able to at least push a branch to integration by changing the file. IT is not a great solution because then I have to log on to the server and do magento upgrade, clear cache folders, and generate static content and various other tasks to get the site back up. This is the only way to do any changes (and since June 21) - can you please tell me why normal deploy doesn’t work. Is there something wrong with our composer file? thanks

        instead of

        # We run build hooks before your application has been packaged.  
        build: |  
        php ./bin/magento magento-cloud:build  
        # We run deploy hook after your application has been deployed and started.  
        deploy: |  
        php ./vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/pre-deploy.php  
        php ./bin/magento magento-cloud:deploy  

        We are doing :

        # We run build hooks before your application has been packaged.  
        build: |  
        composer --no-ansi --no-interaction install --no-progress --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader  
        # We run deploy hook after your application has been deployed and started.  
        deploy: |  
        php ./vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/pre-deploy.php  
        php ./bin/magento magento-cloud:deploy  
      • ![Avatar](
        **Robyn Shannon** July 11, 2017 12:52

        Hello Sam,

        My apologies for the late reply. Our developers have completed their investigations and discovered:
        Custom module Bss_MultiStoreViewPricingPriceIndexer causes this issue.
        Declaration of the classes at folder app/code/Bss/MultiStoreViewPricingPriceIndexer/Model/ResourceModel/Product/Indexer/BasePrice depends on configuration settings and couldn’t be determined without Magento instantiation.
        This is an incorrect implementation. We highly recommend refactoring the module.
        We recommend reviewing our documentation for module development found here:

        Again, my sincere apologies for the late reply, please let us know if you have any questions.

        Kind regards,
        Robyn Shannon

        Subscribe to for service availability

      • ![Avatar](
        **Sam** July 12, 2017 07:24


        Thank you but that module is not installed on our development, integration, staging or production server. It is not on any server where this issue occurs. It is not on any server where we deploy FROM or deploy TO - so how did you get this result?

      • ![Avatar](
        **Robyn Shannon** July 12, 2017 07:29

        Hello Sam,

        I am asking our developers for clarificaiton.

        Kind regards,

        Subscribe to for service availability

      • ![Avatar](
        **Robyn Shannon** July 12, 2017 08:19

        Hello Sam,

        Our Developer said this module is there. Please check branch 3732:

        We removed the module:
        commit ba80ab1c400abafde21a005089bc2dbb28324732
        Author: Sergey Nosov
        Date: Wed Jul 12 14:51:05 2017 +0300

        Remove app/code/Bss/ modules

        We removed these modules and deployment successfully completed:

        Found 1 new commit.

        Building application ‘mymagento’ (runtime type: php:7.0, tree ID: 81d44b0)
        Generating runtime configuration.

        Moving the application to the output directory
        W: Overriding path robots.txt that already exists in destination.
        Prewarming composer cache.

        Found a composer.json, installing dependencies.

        Executing build hook…
        [2017-07-12 11:53:45] Verbosity level is not set
        [2017-07-12 11:53:45] Start build.
        [2017-07-12 11:53:45] Applying magento-cloud-configuration patches.
        [2017-07-12 11:53:45] Command:php /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patch.php
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        0 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Copying static.php to front-static.php’,
        1 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/MAGETWO-57799.patch’,
        2 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        3 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        4 => ‘)’,
        5 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/change-vendor-path.patch’,
        6 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        7 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        8 => ‘)’,
        9 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/fix-static-assets-controller.patch’,
        10 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        11 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        12 => ‘)’,
        13 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/flyweightfactory.patch’,
        14 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        15 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        16 => ‘)’,
        17 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/generation-not-writable.patch’,
        18 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        19 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        20 => ‘)’,
        21 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/locker-process.patch’,
        22 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        23 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        24 => ‘)’,
        25 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/remove-permission-checks.patch’,
        26 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        27 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        28 => ‘)’,
        29 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/secure-static-resource.patch’,
        30 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        31 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        32 => ‘)’,
        33 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/setup-area-plugins.patch’,
        34 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        35 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        36 => ‘)’,
        37 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/setup-area.patch’,
        38 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0’,
        39 => ‘[2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (’,
        40 => ‘)’,
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Checking if patches exist under /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/DEBUG_PATCH_MDVA_4127_composer_V2.patch
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/MDVA-1400_2.0_COMPOSER_v1.patch
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/MDVA-2478-2.1_composer.patch
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/MDVA-3349_DEBUG.composer.patch
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/MDVA-3523_CUSTOM_EE_2.1.5_composer_v1.patch
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/MDVA-4125_EE_2.1.6_V1_COMPOSER.patch
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/…/…/…/…/…/…/m2-hotfixes/
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:composer dump-autoload
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:rm -rf var/generation/*
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:rm -rf var/di/*
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Enabling all modules
        [2017-07-12 11:53:46] Command:php ./bin/magento module:enable --all
        [2017-07-12 11:53:47] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:53:47] Output:array (
        0 => ‘The following modules have been enabled:’,
        1 => ‘- Auctane_Api’,
        2 => ‘- Magento_Store’,
        3 => ‘- BoostMyShop_Supplier’,
        4 => ‘- BoostMyShop_OrderPreparation’,
        5 => ‘- Magento_Directory’,
        6 => ‘- Magento_Eav’,
        7 => ‘- Magento_Theme’,
        8 => ‘- CommerceExtensions_GuestToReg’,
        9 => ‘- CommerceExtensions_OrderImportExport’,
        10 => ‘- Magento_Customer’,
        11 => ‘- Df_Core’,
        12 => ‘- Magento_AdminNotification’,
        13 => ‘- Magento_Indexer’,
        14 => ‘- Magento_Config’,
        15 => ‘- Magento_Backend’,
        16 => ‘- Df_Customer’,
        17 => ‘- Df_Directory’,
        18 => ‘- Df_Eav’,
        19 => ‘- Df_Framework’,
        20 => ‘- Magento_Cms’,
        21 => ‘- Magento_Catalog’,
        22 => ‘- Magento_Payment’,
        23 => ‘- Df_Qa’,
        24 => ‘- Magento_Quote’,
        25 => ‘- Magento_Rule’,
        26 => ‘- Magento_SampleData’,
        27 => ‘- Df_Sentry’,
        28 => ‘- Df_Sso’,
        29 => ‘- Df_Store’,
        30 => ‘- Df_Payment’,
        31 => ‘- Magento_User’,
        32 => ‘- Magento_Translation’,
        33 => ‘- Df_Typography’,
        34 => ‘- Magento_Ui’,
        35 => ‘- Df_User’,
        36 => ‘- Magento_Security’,
        37 => ‘- Df_Xml’,
        38 => ‘- Df_Zf’,
        39 => ‘- Dfe_Stripe’,
        40 => ‘- Magento_Widget’,
        41 => ‘- Magento_RequireJs’,
        42 => ‘- Fastly_Cdn’,
        43 => ‘- FishPig_WordPress’,
        44 => ‘- Magento_SalesSequence’,
        45 => ‘- Magento_Sales’,
        46 => ‘- Fooman_ConnectLicense’,
        47 => ‘- Fooman_EmailAttachments’,
        48 => ‘- Magento_Tax’,
        49 => ‘- Magento_CatalogInventory’,
        50 => ‘- Fooman_PrintOrderPdf’,
        51 => ‘- Magento_Msrp’,
        52 => ‘- Fooman_SameOrderInvoiceNumber’,
        53 => ‘- Gene_BlueFoot’,
        54 => ‘- Limesharp_Stockists’,
        55 => ‘- MageVision_FreeShippingAdmin’,
        56 => ‘- Magefan_Blog’,
        57 => ‘- Magefan_LoginAsCustomer’,
        58 => ‘- Magenest_InstagramShop’,
        59 => ‘- Magento_AdminGws’,
        60 => ‘- BoostMyShop_AdvancedStock’,
        61 => ‘- Magento_AdvancedCatalog’,
        62 => ‘- Magento_AdvancedCheckout’,
        63 => ‘- Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport’,
        64 => ‘- Magento_AdvancedRule’,
        65 => ‘- Magento_SalesRule’,
        66 => ‘- Magento_Search’,
        67 => ‘- Magento_Amqp’,
        68 => ‘- Magento_Authorization’,
        69 => ‘- Magento_Checkout’,
        70 => ‘- Df_Backend’,
        71 => ‘- Magento_Backup’,
        72 => ‘- Magento_CatalogRule’,
        73 => ‘- Magento_VersionsCms’,
        74 => ‘- Magento_Vault’,
        75 => ‘- Magento_Bundle’,
        76 => ‘- Magento_BundleImportExport’,
        77 => ‘- Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite’,
        78 => ‘- Magento_CacheInvalidate’,
        79 => ‘- Magento_Captcha’,
        80 => ‘- BoostMyShop_AvailabilityStatus’,
        81 => ‘- Magento_MediaStorage’,
        82 => ‘- Magento_CatalogImportExport’,
        83 => ‘- Magento_CatalogImportExportStaging’,
        84 => ‘- BoostMyShop_Erp’,
        85 => ‘- Magento_Staging’,
        86 => ‘- Magento_CatalogSearch’,
        87 => ‘- Magento_CustomerCustomAttributes’,
        88 => ‘- Magento_ConfigurableProduct’,
        89 => ‘- Magento_Banner’,
        90 => ‘- Magento_WebsiteRestriction’,
        91 => ‘- Magento_Downloadable’,
        92 => ‘- Magento_GiftCard’,
        93 => ‘- Magento_UrlRewrite’,
        94 => ‘- Magento_CatalogWidget’,
        95 => ‘- Df_Checkout’,
        96 => ‘- Magento_CheckoutAgreements’,
        97 => ‘- Magento_CheckoutStaging’,
        98 => ‘- BoostMyShop_UltimateReport’,
        99 => ‘- Magento_CmsStaging’,
        100 => ‘- Magento_CmsUrlRewrite’,
        101 => ‘- Df_Config’,
        102 => ‘- Magento_ConfigurableImportExport’,
        103 => ‘- Fooman_PdfCore’,
        104 => ‘- Magento_Wishlist’,
        105 => ‘- Magento_Contact’,
        106 => ‘- Magento_Cookie’,
        107 => ‘- Magento_Cron’,
        108 => ‘- Magento_CurrencySymbol’,
        109 => ‘- Magento_CustomAttributeManagement’,
        110 => ‘- Magento_Paypal’,
        111 => ‘- Magento_CustomerBalance’,
        112 => ‘- Magento_CustomerSegment’,
        113 => ‘- Magento_CustomerFinance’,
        114 => ‘- Magento_CustomerImportExport’,
        115 => ‘- Magento_BannerCustomerSegment’,
        116 => ‘- Magento_Cybersource’,
        117 => ‘- Magento_Deploy’,
        118 => ‘- Magento_Developer’,
        119 => ‘- Magento_Dhl’,
        120 => ‘- CueBlocks_AdminOnlyPaymentMethod’,
        121 => ‘- Magento_ProductAlert’,
        122 => ‘- Magento_ImportExport’,
        123 => ‘- Magento_Reports’,
        124 => ‘- Df_Catalog’,
        125 => ‘- Magento_AdvancedSearch’,
        126 => ‘- Magento_Email’,
        127 => ‘- Magento_EncryptionKey’,
        128 => ‘- Magento_Enterprise’,
        129 => ‘- Magento_Eway’,
        130 => ‘- Magento_Fedex’,
        131 => ‘- Magento_TargetRule’,
        132 => ‘- Magento_GiftCardAccount’,
        133 => ‘- Magento_GiftCardImportExport’,
        134 => ‘- Magento_Weee’,
        135 => ‘- Magento_GiftMessage’,
        136 => ‘- Magento_GiftMessageStaging’,
        137 => ‘- Magento_GiftRegistry’,
        138 => ‘- Magento_GiftWrapping’,
        139 => ‘- Magento_GiftWrappingStaging’,
        140 => ‘- Magento_GoogleAdwords’,
        141 => ‘- Magento_GoogleAnalytics’,
        142 => ‘- Magento_GoogleOptimizer’,
        143 => ‘- Magento_GoogleOptimizerStaging’,
        144 => ‘- Magento_PageCache’,
        145 => ‘- Magento_GroupedImportExport’,
        146 => ‘- Magento_GroupedProduct’,
        147 => ‘- Magento_GroupedProductStaging’,
        148 => ‘- Magento_DownloadableImportExport’,
        149 => ‘- Fooman_PdfCustomiser’,
        150 => ‘- Magento_Integration’,
        151 => ‘- Magento_Invitation’,
        152 => ‘- Magento_LayeredNavigation’,
        153 => ‘- Magento_LayeredNavigationStaging’,
        154 => ‘- Magento_Logging’,
        155 => ‘- Magento_Marketplace’,
        156 => ‘- Magento_CatalogEvent’,
        157 => ‘- Magento_MessageQueue’,
        158 => ‘- Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable’,
        159 => ‘- Magento_MsrpStaging’,
        160 => ‘- Magento_MultipleWishlist’,
        161 => ‘- Magento_Multishipping’,
        162 => ‘- Magento_MysqlMq’,
        163 => ‘- Magento_NewRelicReporting’,
        164 => ‘- Magento_Newsletter’,
        165 => ‘- Magento_OfflinePayments’,
        166 => ‘- Magento_OfflineShipping’,
        167 => ‘- Magento_GoogleTagManager’,
        168 => ‘- Df_PaypalClone’,
        169 => ‘- Magento_PaymentStaging’,
        170 => ‘- Magento_Braintree’,
        171 => ‘- Magento_Persistent’,
        172 => ‘- Magento_PersistentHistory’,
        173 => ‘- Magento_PricePermissions’,
        174 => ‘- Magento_CatalogStaging’,
        175 => ‘- Magento_ProductVideo’,
        176 => ‘- Magento_ProductVideoStaging’,
        177 => ‘- Magento_PromotionPermissions’,
        178 => ‘- Df_Quote’,
        179 => ‘- Magento_Reminder’,
        180 => ‘- Magento_ConfigurableProductStaging’,
        181 => ‘- Magento_Shipping’,
        182 => ‘- Magento_ResourceConnections’,
        183 => ‘- Magento_Review’,
        184 => ‘- Magento_ReviewStaging’,
        185 => ‘- Magento_Reward’,
        186 => ‘- Magento_Rma’,
        187 => ‘- Magento_RmaStaging’,
        188 => ‘- Magento_Rss’,
        189 => ‘- Df_Sales’,
        190 => ‘- Fooman_Connect’,
        191 => ‘- Magento_SalesArchive’,
        192 => ‘- Magento_SalesInventory’,
        193 => ‘- Magento_AdvancedSalesRule’,
        194 => ‘- Magento_SalesRuleStaging’,
        195 => ‘- Fooman_ConnectAddonCanada’,
        196 => ‘- Df_SampleData’,
        197 => ‘- Magento_ScalableCheckout’,
        198 => ‘- Magento_ScalableInventory’,
        199 => ‘- Magento_ScalableOms’,
        200 => ‘- Magento_ScheduledImportExport’,
        201 => ‘- Magento_Elasticsearch’,
        202 => ‘- Magento_SearchStaging’,
        203 => ‘- Magento_Webapi’,
        204 => ‘- Magento_SendFriend’,
        205 => ‘- Ess_M2ePro’,
        206 => ‘- Magento_Sitemap’,
        207 => ‘- Magento_Solr’,
        208 => ‘- Magento_CatalogInventoryStaging’,
        209 => ‘- Df_StripeClone’,
        210 => ‘- Magento_Support’,
        211 => ‘- Magento_Swagger’,
        212 => ‘- Magento_Swatches’,
        213 => ‘- Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation’,
        214 => ‘- Magento_GiftCardStaging’,
        215 => ‘- Df_Tax’,
        216 => ‘- Magento_TaxImportExport’,
        217 => ‘- Magento_Authorizenet’,
        218 => ‘- Df_Translation’,
        219 => ‘- Df_Ui’,
        220 => ‘- Magento_Ups’,
        221 => ‘- Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteStaging’,
        222 => ‘- Fooman_FixForFullTaxOnInvoicePdf’,
        223 => ‘- Magento_Usps’,
        224 => ‘- Magento_Variable’,
        225 => ‘- Df_Paypal’,
        226 => ‘- Magento_Version’,
        227 => ‘- Magento_CatalogRuleStaging’,
        228 => ‘- Magento_VisualMerchandiser’,
        229 => ‘- Df_Webapi’,
        230 => ‘- Magento_WebapiSecurity’,
        231 => ‘- Magento_CatalogPermissions’,
        232 => ‘- Magento_BundleStaging’,
        233 => ‘- Magento_WeeeStaging’,
        234 => ‘- Ebizmarts_MageMonkey’,
        235 => ‘- Magento_DownloadableStaging’,
        236 => ‘- Magento_Worldpay’,
        237 => ‘- Mageplaza_Core’,
        238 => ‘- Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation’,
        239 => ‘- MercadoPago_Core’,
        240 => ‘- MercadoPago_MercadoEnvios’,
        241 => ‘- Nwdthemes_Base’,
        242 => ‘- Nwdthemes_Revslider’,
        243 => ‘- Plumrocket_Base’,
        244 => ‘- Plumrocket_SocialLoginFree’,
        245 => ‘- Pump_Applepay’,
        246 => ‘- Pump_Bootstrap’,
        247 => ‘- Pump_Canadapost’,
        248 => ‘- Pump_ChannelIntegration’,
        249 => ‘- Pump_Conversions’,
        250 => ‘- Pump_ImageEngine’,
        251 => ‘- Pump_Pumpadmin’,
        252 => ‘- Pump_Shipping’,
        253 => ‘- Pump_Tracking’,
        254 => ‘- Pump_Updateinventory’,
        255 => ‘- Pump_Wplogin’,
        256 => ‘- Scommerce_Core’,
        257 => ‘- Scommerce_FacebookConversion’,
        258 => ‘- Shipwire_Shipping’,
        259 => ‘- ShopGo_CurrencyImportServices’,
        260 => ‘- Shopial_Facebook’,
        261 => ‘- Simi_Paypalmobile’,
        262 => ‘- Simi_Simiconnector’,
        263 => ‘- Taxjar_SalesTax’,
        264 => ‘- WeltPixel_Backend’,
        265 => ‘- WeltPixel_GoogleCards’,
        266 => ‘- WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider’,
        267 => ‘- Wyomind_Core’,
        268 => ‘- Wyomind_DataFeedManager’,
        269 => ‘- Yotpo_Yotpo’,
        270 => ‘- Zendesk_Zendesk’,
        271 => ‘’,
        272 => ‘Cache cleared successfully.’,
        273 => ‘Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the ‘setup:di:compile’ command to generate classes.’,
        274 => ‘Info: Some modules might require static view files to be cleared. To do this, run ‘module:enable’ with the --clear-static-content option to clear them.’,
        [2017-07-12 11:53:47] Running DI compilation
        [2017-07-12 11:53:47] Command:php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile

        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Output:array (
        0 => ‘Compilation was started.’,
        1 => ‘%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec 46.0 MiB%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec 46.0 MiBProxies code generation… 0/7 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec 46.0 MiB’,
        2 => ‘Proxies code generation… 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% 1 sec 50.0 MiB’,
        3 => ‘Repositories code generation… 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% 1 sec 50.0 MiB’,
        4 => ‘Repositories code generation… 2/7 [========>-------------------] 28% 13 secs 286.0 MiB’,
        5 => ‘Service data attributes generation… 2/7 [========>-------------------] 28% 13 secs 286.0 MiB’,
        6 => ‘Service data attributes generation… 3/7 [============>---------------] 42% 13 secs 286.0 MiB’,
        7 => ‘Application code generator… 3/7 [============>---------------] 42% 13 secs 286.0 MiB’,
        8 => ‘Application code generator… 4/7 [================>-----------] 57% 33 secs 304.0 MiB’,
        9 => ‘Interceptors generation… 4/7 [================>-----------] 57% 33 secs 304.0 MiB’,
        10 => ‘Interceptors generation… 5/7 [====================>-------] 71% 2 mins 412.0 MiB’,
        11 => ‘Area configuration aggregation… 5/7 [====================>-------] 71% 2 mins 412.0 MiB’,
        12 => ‘Area configuration aggregation… 6/7 [========================>—] 85% 2 mins 574.0 MiB’,
        13 => ‘Interception cache generation… 6/7 [========================>—] 85% 2 mins 574.0 MiB’,
        14 => ‘Interception cache generation… 7/7 [============================] 100% 2 mins 574.0 MiB’,
        15 => ‘Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.’,
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Skipping static content deploy
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Clearing temporary directory.
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Command:rm -rf …/init/*
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Command:rm -rf app/etc/env.php
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Command:rm -rf app/etc/config.php
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Copying writable directories to temp directory.
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Command:mkdir -p init/var/di
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Command:mkdir -p var/di
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:49] Command:/bin/bash -c “shopt -s dotglob; cp -R var/di/* ./init/var/di/”
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Command:rm -rf var/di
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Command:mkdir -p var/di
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Command:mkdir -p init/var/generation
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Command:mkdir -p var/generation
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Command:/bin/bash -c “shopt -s dotglob; cp -R var/generation/* ./init/var/generation/”
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:50] Command:rm -rf var/generation
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:mkdir -p var/generation
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:mkdir -p init/app/etc
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:mkdir -p app/etc
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:/bin/bash -c “shopt -s dotglob; cp -R app/etc/* ./init/app/etc/”
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:rm -rf app/etc
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:mkdir -p app/etc
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:mkdir -p init/pub/media
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Command:mkdir -p pub/media
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Status:0
        [2017-07-12 11:55:51] Output:array (
        warning: app/autoload.php has type 100755, expected 100644
        Generating autoload files

        Executing pre-flight checks…

        Compressing application.
        Beaming package to its final destination.

        Provisioning certificates:
        Validating 9 new domains
        Provisioned new certificate for 9 domains of this environment
        (Next refresh will be at 2017-09-12 10:57:00+00:00.)

        Creating environment 65y2iwmymaini-3732-dwzcngy, as a clone of 65y2iwmymaini-master.
        Environment configuration:
        mymagento (type: php:7.0, size: S, disk: 20480)
        elasticsearch (type: elasticsearch:2.4, size: S, disk: 2048)
        redis (type: redis:3.0, size: S)
        mysql (type: mysql:10.0, size: S, disk: 3072)

        Environment routes: is served by application mymagento
        http://wholesale—pumpunderwear—com— is served by application mymagento
        http://wholesale1—pumpunderwear—com— is served by application mymagento
        http://www—pumpunderwear—ca— is served by application mymagento
        http://www—pumpunderwear—co— is served by application mymagento
        http://www—pumpunderwear—co—uk— is served by application mymagento
        http://www—pumpunderwear—es— is served by application mymagento
        http://www—pumpunderwear—fr— is served by application mymagento
        http://www—pumpunderwear—mx— is served by application mymagento is served by application mymagento
        https://wholesale—pumpunderwear—com— is served by application mymagento
        https://wholesale1—pumpunderwear—com— is served by application mymagento
        https://www—pumpunderwear—ca— is served by application mymagento
        https://www—pumpunderwear—co— is served by application mymagento
        https://www—pumpunderwear—co—uk— is served by application mymagento
        https://www—pumpunderwear—es— is served by application mymagento
        https://www—pumpunderwear—fr— is served by application mymagento
        https://www—pumpunderwear—mx— is served by application mymagento

        I have also attached a screen shot of the commit.
        Please let us know if you have additional questions.

        Kind regards,
        Robyn Shannon

        Subscribe to for service availability

        • ![Avatar](
          **Sam** July 12, 2017 13:41

          Hi Robyn

          We removed all of the Bss Modules yet the same issue occurs… It must be something else…

        • ![Avatar](
          **Vidal** Friday at 19:51

          Hello Sam,

          I reopened the escalation and forwarded the information you provided to me to my developer.

          I will update you as soon as I have a reply.


          Subscribe to for service availability

        • ![Avatar](
          **Vidal** Friday at 19:56

          Hello Sam,

          My Developer stated the following:

          “On which branch did they test this on? I was able to upgrade without issues, so we need to know the exact branch where this issue exists. Please ask merchant to tell us which branch has this issue.”

          Awaiting your reply,

          Subscribe to for service availability

        • ![Avatar](
          **Sam** Friday at 21:29

          It was on master branch … thanks

        • ![Avatar](
          **Robyn Shannon** Monday at 05:20

          Hi Sam,

          I’m reaching out to let you know that we engaged our developers to further investigate. We will provide an update as soon as our team completes their investigations.

          Kind regards,
          Robyn Shannon

          Subscribe to for service availability

        • ![Avatar](
          **Anthony Chico** Yesterday at 00:53

          Hello Sam,

          In his investigation, my developer had to remove the mage2pro extension from composer.lock file to make this worked locally

                      "name": "mage2pro/core",
                      "version": "2.8.6",
                      "source": {
                          "type": "git",
                          "url": "",
                          "reference": "fa0e9545f65debcec4348bdefad2c32238a6f6dc"
                      "dist": {
                          "type": "zip",
                          "url": "",
                          "reference": "fa0e9545f65debcec4348bdefad2c32238a6f6dc",
                          "shasum": ""
                      "require": {
                          "magento/framework": ">=100.0.0",
                          "magento/magento-composer-installer": "*",
                          "magento/module-sample-data": ">=100.0.0",
                          "php": ">=5.6",
                          "phpunit/phpunit": "*"
                      "type": "magento2-module",
                      "autoload": {
                          "files": [
                          "psr-4": {
                              "Df\\": ""
                      "notification-url": "",
                      "license": [
                      "authors": [
                              "name": "Dmitry Fedyuk",
                              "email": "",
                              "homepage": "",
                              "role": "Developer"
                      "description": "Mage2.PRO core package.",
                      "homepage": "",
                      "time": "2017-07-12T09:53:53+00:00"
                      "name": "mage2pro/mercadopago",
                      "version": "0.0.1",
                      "source": {
                          "type": "git",
                          "url": "",
                          "reference": "f047b95648783b6a0a59bf824a429b6b6badc8c0"
                      "dist": {
                          "type": "zip",
                          "url": "",
                          "reference": "f047b95648783b6a0a59bf824a429b6b6badc8c0",
                          "shasum": ""
                      "require": {
                          "mage2pro/core": ">=2.5.23",
                          "mercadopago/sdk": ">=0.5.2"
                      "type": "magento2-module",
                      "autoload": {
                          "files": [
                          "psr-4": {
                              "Dfe\\MercadoPago\\": ""
                      "notification-url": "",
                      "license": [
                      "authors": [
                              "name": "Dmitry Fedyuk",
                              "email": "",
                              "homepage": "",
                              "role": "Developer"
                      "description": "The «MercadoPago» payment extension for Magento 2.",
                      "homepage": "",
                      "keywords": [
                          "Payment authorization",
                          "bank card",
                          "credit card",
                          "magento 2",
                          "magento extension",
                          "payment gateway",
                          "payment integration",
                      "time": "2017-04-24T16:55:02+00:00"
                      "name": "mage2pro/stripe",
                      "version": "1.9.21",
                      "source": {
                          "type": "git",
                          "url": "",
                          "reference": "c6a1f69135afe7f18b80f877497fa908a51ccdd0"
                      "dist": {
                          "type": "zip",
                          "url": "",
                          "reference": "c6a1f69135afe7f18b80f877497fa908a51ccdd0",
                          "shasum": ""
                      "require": {
                          "mage2pro/core": ">=2.8.0",
                          "stripe/stripe-php": "3.*"
                      "type": "magento2-module",
                      "autoload": {
                          "files": [
                          "psr-4": {
                              "Dfe\\Stripe\\": ""
                      "notification-url": "",
                      "license": [
                      "authors": [
                              "name": "Dmitry Fedyuk",
                              "email": "",
                              "homepage": "",
                              "role": "Developer"
                      "description": "The «Stripe» payment extension for Magento 2.",
                      "homepage": "",
                      "keywords": [
                          "Payment authorization",
                          "bank card",
                          "credit card",
                          "magento 2",
                          "magento extension",
                          "payment gateway",
                          "payment integration",
                      "time": "2017-07-10T00:24:57+00:00"

          Please remove it on your end as well, then re-deploy to see whether it still occurs.


          Subscribe to for service availability

        Add file or drop files here

How can I reproduce the issue?

Re-install the modules on beta server in folder /var/www/

`composer require mage2pro/stripe`
`composer require mage2pro/mercadopago`

###Then after get Magento back up and running at :

rm var/* -rf
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data *
sudo chmod -R gu+rw ../2e
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile

Once everything is fine locally do:

git status
git add composer.json
git add composer.lock

###add anything else that has changed and is relevant

git commit -m "retry deploy magento with mage2pro"
git push magento master

This will start deploying and rebuilding Magento on Magento’s servers url will be printed at the end of deploy

What does mean «Then after get Magento back up and running»?
What should I do on this step, and what should I get on this step in response?

Hi Dmitry

All that I meant by get Magento up and running was the usual steps after a module is installed like clearing cache, and fixing permissions. The standard and normal steps everyone must go through after any change in Magento. that is all.

were you able to get your Stripe module working on beta server in a way that is compatible with Magento’s code requirements?

I would like to push through some changes but if I push anything right now the Stripe extension will get un-installed on our live deployment also which we can not have as its our main payment processor.


Which «Magento’s code requirements» do you mean exactly?

Are you able to see the reason the deploy failed in the ticket published? What causes that to fail when Stripe is installed and to successfully deploy when it is not installed?
The Magento error message is :
the file "/composer.json" doesn't exist

Could something be changing it from composer.json to /composer.json ?
Because when it goes to deploy, it looks for composer.json in the root of the server instead of in the root of the Magento installation. I am not sure why removing Stripe changes this behaviour.

This step is a black box for me.
Which script/program exactly «will start deploying and rebuilding Magento on Magento’s servers» on this step?
Where is this program source code and documentation?
As I understand, exactly this program/script raises the «file “/composer.json” doesn’t exist» error message, so it could be just a bug in this program/script, and to investigate it I need it source code and/or documentation.

it is the Magento-Cloud Program (magento-cloud CLI)
which is really just a rebranding of

if you want try locally, then install magento-cloud

If you are able to find the issue is in their code (which I don’t doubt at all) then
the scripts that are responsible for the deploy process i believe are these:


 * This script contains logic to cleanup outdated caches and restore the contents of mounted directories so that
 * the main deploy hook is able to start.

// Should be deleted at the end of pre-deploy, so presence of flag later indicate if something failed in the pre-deploy.
echo "Setting the pre-deploy flag." . PHP_EOL;
use Magento\MagentoCloud\Environment;
require_once 'src/Magento/MagentoCloud/Environment.php';


$env = new Environment();
$env->log("Starting pre-deploy.");

// Clear redis and file caches
$relationships = $env->getRelationships();
$var = $env->getVariables();
$useGeneratedCodeSymlink = isset($var["GENERATED_CODE_SYMLINK"]) && $var["GENERATED_CODE_SYMLINK"] == 'disabled' ? false : true;
$useStaticContentSymlink = isset($var["STATIC_CONTENT_SYMLINK"]) && $var["STATIC_CONTENT_SYMLINK"] == 'disabled' ? false : true;

if (isset($relationships['redis']) && count($relationships['redis']) > 0) {
    $redisHost = $relationships['redis'][0]['host'];
    $redisPort = $relationships['redis'][0]['port'];
    $redisCacheDb = '1'; // Matches \Magento\MagentoCloud\Console\Command\Deploy::$redisCacheDb
    $env->execute("redis-cli -h $redisHost -p $redisPort -n $redisCacheDb flushdb");

$fileCacheDir = Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . '/var/cache';
if (file_exists($fileCacheDir)) {
    $env->execute("rm -rf $fileCacheDir");

$mountedDirectories = ['app/etc', 'pub/media'];

 * optionally symlink DI assets from build resources directory(var/generation to init/var/generation
 * (var/di -> init/var/di, var/generation -> init/var/generation)

$buildDir = realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'init') . '/';
if ($useGeneratedCodeSymlink) {
    $varDir = realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'var') . '/';
    if (symlink($buildDir . 'var/generation', $varDir . 'generation')) {
        $env->log('Symlinked var/generation to init/var/generation');
    } else {
        $env->log('Failed to symlink var/generation to init/var/generation');

    if (symlink($buildDir . 'var/di', $varDir . 'di')) {
        $env->log('Symlinked var/di to init/var/di');
    } else {
        $env->log('Failed to symlink var/di to init/var/di');
} else {
    $env->atomicCopyPath('init/var/generation', 'var/generation');
    $env->atomicCopyPath('init/var/di', 'var/di');

 * Handle case where static content is deployed during build hook:
 *  1. set a flag to be read by magento-cloud:deploy
 *  2. Either copy or symlink files from init/ directory, depending on strategy
if (file_exists(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'init/' . Environment::STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG)) {
    $env->log("Static content deployment was performed during build hook");

    if ($useStaticContentSymlink) {
        $env->log("Symlinking static content from pub/static to init/pub/static");

        // Symlink pub/static/* to init/pub/static/*
        $staticContentLocation = realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'pub/static') . '/';
        if (file_exists($buildDir . 'pub/static')) {
            $dir = new \DirectoryIterator($buildDir . 'pub/static');
            foreach ($dir as $fileInfo) {
                $fileName = $fileInfo->getFilename();
                if (!$fileInfo->isDot() && symlink($buildDir . 'pub/static/' . $fileName, $staticContentLocation . '/' . $fileName)) {
                    $env->log('Symlinked ' . $staticContentLocation . '/' . $fileName . ' to ' . $buildDir . 'pub/static/' . $fileName);
    } else {
        $env->log("Copying static content from init/pub/static to pub/static");
        copyFromBuildDir('pub/static', $env);

// Restore mounted directories
$env->log("Copying writable directories back.");

foreach ($mountedDirectories as $dir) {
    copyFromBuildDir($dir, $env);

if (file_exists(Environment::REGENERATE_FLAG)) {
    $env->log("Removing var/.regenerate flag");

$env->log("Pre-deploy complete.");

 * @param string $dir The directory to copy. Pass in its normal location relative to Magento root with no prepending
 *                    or trailing slashes
 * @param Environment $env
function copyFromBuildDir($dir, Environment $env) {
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
        $env->log(sprintf('Created directory: %s', $dir));
    $env->execute(sprintf('/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R ./init/%s/* %s/ || true"', $dir, $dir));
    $env->log(sprintf('Copied directory: %s', $dir));



use Magento\MagentoCloud\Environment;

require_once 'src/Magento/MagentoCloud/Environment.php';
$env = new Environment();

$env->log("Copying static.php to front-static.php");
copy(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'pub/static.php', Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'pub/front-static.php');

$dirName = __DIR__ . '/patches';

$files = glob($dirName . '/*');
foreach ($files as $file) {
    $cmd = 'git apply '  . $file;

copy(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/etc/di.xml', Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/di.xml');
$enterpriseFolder = Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/enterprise';
    mkdir($enterpriseFolder, 0777, true);
copy(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/etc/enterprise/di.xml', Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'app/enterprise/di.xml');

$sampleDataDir = Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'vendor/magento/sample-data-media';
if (file_exists($sampleDataDir)) {
    $env->log("Sample data media found. Marshalling to pub/media.");
    $destination = Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . '/pub/media';
    foreach (
        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(
            new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sampleDataDir, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),
            \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST) as $item
    ) {
        if ($item->isDir()) {
            if (!file_exists($destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iterator->getSubPathName())) {
                mkdir($destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iterator->getSubPathName());
        } else {
            copy($item, $destination . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $iterator->getSubPathName());


 * Copyright © 2016 Magento. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

namespace Magento\MagentoCloud;

 * Contains logic for interacting with the server environment
class Environment
    const MAGENTO_ROOT = __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../';
    const STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG = 'var/.static_content_deploy';
    const PRE_DEPLOY_FLAG = self::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'var/.predeploy_in_progress';
    const REGENERATE_FLAG = self::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'var/.regenerate';

    public $writableDirs = ['var/di', 'var/generation', 'app/etc', 'pub/media'];

     * Get routes information from MagentoCloud environment variable.
     * @return mixed
    public function getRoutes()
        return json_decode(base64_decode($_ENV["MAGENTO_CLOUD_ROUTES"]), true);

     * Get relationships information from MagentoCloud environment variable.
     * @return mixed
    public function getRelationships()
        return json_decode(base64_decode($_ENV["MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS"]), true);

     * Get custom variables from MagentoCloud environment variable.
     * @return mixed
    public function getVariables()
        return json_decode(base64_decode($_ENV["MAGENTO_CLOUD_VARIABLES"]), true);

    public function log($message)
        echo sprintf('[%s] %s', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $message) . PHP_EOL;

    public function execute($command)


        $this->log('Status:'.var_export($status, true));
        $this->log('Output:'.var_export($output, true));

        if ($status != 0) {
            throw new \RuntimeException("Command $command returned code $status", $status);

        return $output;

    public function backgroundExecute($command)
        $command = "nohup {$command} 1>/dev/null 2>&1 &";
        $this->log("Execute command in background: $command");

    public function setStaticDeployInBuild($flag)		
        if ($flag) {
         $this->log('Setting flag file ' . Environment::STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG);
         touch(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . Environment::STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG);
        } else {
            if ($this->isStaticDeployInBuild()) {
                    $this->log('Removing flag file ' . Environment::STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG);
                    unlink(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . Environment::STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG);

    public function isStaticDeployInBuild()
        return file_exists(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . Environment::STATIC_CONTENT_DEPLOY_FLAG);

    public function removeStaticContent()
        // atomic move within pub/static directory
        $staticContentLocation = realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'pub/static/') . '/';
        $timestamp = time();
        $oldStaticContentLocation = $staticContentLocation . 'old_static_content_' . $timestamp;

        $this->log("Moving out old static content into $oldStaticContentLocation");

        if (!file_exists($oldStaticContentLocation)) {

        $dir = new \DirectoryIterator($staticContentLocation);

        foreach ($dir as $fileInfo) {
            $fileName = $fileInfo->getFilename();
            if (!$fileInfo->isDot() && strpos($fileName, 'old_static_content_') !== 0) {
                $this->log("Rename " . $staticContentLocation . '/' . $fileName . " to " . $oldStaticContentLocation . '/' . $fileName);
                rename($staticContentLocation . '/' . $fileName, $oldStaticContentLocation . '/' . $fileName);

        $this->log("Removing $oldStaticContentLocation in the background");
        $this->backgroundExecute("rm -rf $oldStaticContentLocation");

        $preprocessedLocation = realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT . 'var') . '/view_preprocessed';
        if (file_exists($preprocessedLocation)) {
            $oldPreprocessedLocation = $preprocessedLocation . '_old_' . $timestamp;
            $this->log("Rename $preprocessedLocation  to $oldPreprocessedLocation");
            rename($preprocessedLocation, $oldPreprocessedLocation);
            $this->log("Removing $oldPreprocessedLocation in the background");
            $this->backgroundExecute("rm -rf $oldPreprocessedLocation");

    public function removePathInBackground($relativePath)
        $fullPath = rtrim(realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT) . '/' . $relativePath, '/');
        $timestamp = time();
        if (file_exists($fullPath)) {
            $backgroundLocation = $fullPath . '_old_' . $timestamp;
            $this->log("Rename $fullPath  to $backgroundLocation");
            rename($fullPath, $backgroundLocation);
            $this->log("Removing $backgroundLocation in the background");
            $this->backgroundExecute("rm -rf $backgroundLocation");

    public function atomicCopyPath($relativeSourcePath, $relativeDestinationPath) {
        $fullDestinationPath = rtrim(realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT) . '/' . $relativeDestinationPath, '/');
        $fullSourcePath = rtrim(realpath(Environment::MAGENTO_ROOT) . '/' . $relativeSourcePath, '/');
        $timestamp = time();
        if (file_exists($fullSourcePath)) {
            $tmpLocation = $fullDestinationPath . '_tmp_' . $timestamp;
            $this->log("Copy $fullSourcePath  to $tmpLocation");
            $this->execute(sprintf('bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R %s/ %s/ || true"', $fullSourcePath, $tmpLocation));
            $this->log("Rename $tmpLocation to $fullDestinationPath");
            rename($tmpLocation, $fullDestinationPath);

So which code line exactly generates the «The file “/composer.json” doesn’t exist» message?
I do not see it in the code you have published, and it looks like the message is generated by another code.
If you do not know the answer, then ask it from Magento Enterprise support, because it is their code.

No I don’t know the answer but the only difference between the code in default Magento and cloud is the folder vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration
so it must be in there somewhere.

Magento support takes 2 weeks to repsond to even th most urgent issues… their response for this was to un-install Stripe… obviously we can’t run without a payment processor and we also can’t wait two weeks for Magento to respond

the /composer.json line that I wrote was just what I had seen in the output of the deployment and it is only my assumption that it causes the problem. So it could be elsewhere in the magento-cloud-configuration code that Stripe is not compatible with.

You can see directly by trying to install Stripe on the beta server and then adding the code to git and pushing to magento master. You will see the results directly.

As a guess, the message could be generated by the Symfony Config Component.
It is used by Magento 2.

The method Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\FileResource::__construct() has the following implementation:

So it definitely can generate the «The file “/composer.json” doesn’t exist».
Can you log this exception and get it backtrace?
I am unable to do it myself, because you said your production filesystem is read-only, and, as I understand, the message is generated by the production instance.

Oh, I am wrong, it is not the Symfony Config Component, because its message ends on «does not exist», not on «doesn’t exist»

All these messages (and the error «The file “/composer.json” doesn’t exist» message) are generated by an unknown black-box closed source script/program:

Building application ‘mymagento’ (runtime type: php:7.0, tree ID: 4be8741)
Generating runtime configuration.

Moving the application to the output directory
W: Overriding path robots.txt that already exists in destination.
Prewarming composer cache.
Pre-downloaded 2 packages referenced in composer.lock

These strings are absent in your beta and production websites source code.
So the only way to investigate the case and this unknown black-box closed source program requirements is to contact the program author - Magento Enterprise team.
Ask them:

  • Where is exactly the «The file “/composer.json” doesn’t exist» message generated?
  • Why is the message generated? What are the hidden requirements about such «composer.json» files?

I used the following commands to look for the messages:

grep -rnw . -e "Moving the application"
find . -name '*.*' -print | xargs grep "Moving the application"

They all return nothing.

          The file "/composer.json" doesn't exist            
        module:enable [-f|--force] [--all] [-c|--clear-static-content] [--magento-init-params="..."] [module1] ... [moduleN]
          Command php ./bin/magento module:enable --all returned code 1  

it is this command during the process where it fails:
php ./bin/magento magento-cloud:build

Yet again:

All these messages (and the error «The file “/composer.json” doesn’t exist» message) are generated by an unknown black-box closed source script/program

If you want to prove opposite, then provide THE EXACT source code where these messages are generated.