###Magento Support asked us to remove all mage2pro modules (to solve our ticket with them for Magento Cloud failing on deployment to live server)
It has been 2 weeks where we could not push any code from beta to Magento because the deploy process fails. Magento only yesterday finally responded and they said that removing Stripe and Mercado Pago will solve deployment. I tried and they were actually right, now beta successfully deploys again to Magento Cloud. I have no idea what specifically causes the failure but the error I saw consistently was :
Generating autoload files
The file "/composer.json" doesn't exist
module:enable [-f|--force] [--all] [-c|--clear-static-content] [--magento-init-params="..."] [module1] ... [moduleN]
Command php ./bin/magento module:enable --all returned code 1
E: Error building project: The build hook failed with status code 1. Aborted build.
E: Error: Unable to build project, aborting deployment.
Does it have something to do with the fact that deploy is looking for composer.json in the root of the server and not in Magento directory? I am not sure but obviously we can’t push to live without a payment processor so I am hoping you know what it might be. Here are more logs and screenshots. Hope it helps…
With mage2pro extensions installed
after removing mage2pro modules
Found 1 new commit.
Building application 'mymagento' (runtime type: php:7.0, tree ID: 45d75b6)
Generating runtime configuration.
Moving the application to the output directory
W: Overriding path `robots.txt` that already exists in destination.
Prewarming composer cache.
Found a `composer.json`, installing dependencies.
Executing build hook...
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Verbosity level is not set
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Start build.
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Applying magento-cloud-configuration patches.
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:php /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patch.php
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
0 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Copying static.php to front-static.php',
1 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/MAGETWO-57799.patch',
2 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
3 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
4 => ')',
5 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/change-vendor-path.patch',
6 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
7 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
8 => ')',
9 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/fix-static-assets-controller.patch',
10 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
11 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
12 => ')',
13 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/flyweightfactory.patch',
14 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
15 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
16 => ')',
17 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/generation-not-writable.patch',
18 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
19 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
20 => ')',
21 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/locker-process.patch',
22 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
23 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
24 => ')',
25 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/remove-permission-checks.patch',
26 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
27 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
28 => ')',
29 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/secure-static-resource.patch',
30 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
31 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
32 => ')',
33 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/setup-area-plugins.patch',
34 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
35 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
36 => ')',
37 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/patches/setup-area.patch',
38 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0',
39 => '[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (',
40 => ')',
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Checking if patches exist under /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/DEBUG_PATCH_MDVA_4127_composer_V2.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-1400_2.0_COMPOSER_v1.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-2478-2.1_composer.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-3523_CUSTOM_EE_2.1.5_composer_v1.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-4125_EE_2.1.6_V1_COMPOSER.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:git apply /app/vendor/magento/magento-cloud-configuration/src/Magento/MagentoCloud/../../../../../../m2-hotfixes/MDVA-857.composer.cloud.patch
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:58] Command:composer dump-autoload
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Command:rm -rf var/generation/*
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Command:rm -rf var/di/*
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Enabling all modules
[2017-07-18 18:56:59] Command:php ./bin/magento module:enable --all
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Output:array (
0 => 'The following modules have been enabled:',
1 => '- Magento_Config',
2 => '- Magento_Store',
3 => '- Magento_Directory',
4 => '- Auctane_Api',
5 => '- Magento_Eav',
6 => '- BoostMyShop_Supplier',
7 => '- BoostMyShop_OrderPreparation',
8 => '- Magento_Theme',
9 => '- Magento_Customer',
10 => '- Magento_AdminNotification',
11 => '- CommerceExtensions_GuestToReg',
12 => '- CommerceExtensions_OrderImportExport',
13 => '- Magento_Indexer',
14 => '- Magento_Cms',
15 => '- Magento_Backend',
16 => '- Fastly_Cdn',
17 => '- Magento_Catalog',
18 => '- Magento_Payment',
19 => '- Magento_Rule',
20 => '- Fooman_ConnectLicense',
21 => '- Magento_CheckoutAgreements',
22 => '- Magento_User',
23 => '- Magento_CatalogInventory',
24 => '- Magento_SalesSequence',
25 => '- Magento_Quote',
26 => '- Magento_Sales',
27 => '- Gene_BlueFoot',
28 => '- Magento_Ui',
29 => '- MageVision_FreeShippingAdmin',
30 => '- Magefan_Blog',
31 => '- Magefan_LoginAsCustomer',
32 => '- Magenest_InstagramShop',
33 => '- Magento_AdminGws',
34 => '- Magento_Developer',
35 => '- Magento_AdvancedCatalog',
36 => '- Magento_AdvancedCheckout',
37 => '- Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport',
38 => '- Magento_AdvancedRule',
39 => '- Magento_SalesRule',
40 => '- Magento_Search',
41 => '- Magento_Amqp',
42 => '- Magento_Authorization',
43 => '- Magento_Checkout',
44 => '- Magento_RequireJs',
45 => '- Magento_Backup',
46 => '- Magento_CatalogRule',
47 => '- Magento_Widget',
48 => '- Magento_Vault',
49 => '- Magento_Bundle',
50 => '- Magento_BundleImportExport',
51 => '- Magento_CatalogUrlRewrite',
52 => '- Magento_CacheInvalidate',
53 => '- Magento_Captcha',
54 => '- Amazon_Core',
55 => '- Magento_MediaStorage',
56 => '- Magento_CatalogImportExport',
57 => '- Magento_CatalogImportExportStaging',
58 => '- BoostMyShop_AdvancedStock',
59 => '- Magento_Staging',
60 => '- Magento_CatalogSearch',
61 => '- Magento_CustomerCustomAttributes',
62 => '- Magento_Msrp',
63 => '- Magento_VersionsCms',
64 => '- Magento_WebsiteRestriction',
65 => '- Magento_Downloadable',
66 => '- Magento_GiftCard',
67 => '- Magento_UrlRewrite',
68 => '- Magento_CatalogWidget',
69 => '- Fooman_EmailAttachments',
70 => '- Magento_ConfigurableProduct',
71 => '- Magento_CheckoutStaging',
72 => '- BoostMyShop_AvailabilityStatus',
73 => '- Magento_CmsStaging',
74 => '- Magento_CmsUrlRewrite',
75 => '- Amazon_Login',
76 => '- Magento_ConfigurableImportExport',
77 => '- Fooman_PdfCore',
78 => '- Magento_Wishlist',
79 => '- Magento_Contact',
80 => '- Magento_Cookie',
81 => '- Magento_Cron',
82 => '- Magento_CurrencySymbol',
83 => '- Magento_CustomAttributeManagement',
84 => '- BoostMyShop_Erp',
85 => '- Magento_CustomerBalance',
86 => '- Magento_CustomerSegment',
87 => '- Magento_CustomerFinance',
88 => '- Magento_CustomerImportExport',
89 => '- Magento_Banner',
90 => '- Magento_Cybersource',
91 => '- Magento_Deploy',
92 => '- Amazon_Payment',
93 => '- Magento_Dhl',
94 => '- BoostMyShop_UltimateReport',
95 => '- Magento_ProductAlert',
96 => '- Magento_ImportExport',
97 => '- Magento_Reports',
98 => '- Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable',
99 => '- Magento_AdvancedSearch',
100 => '- Magento_Email',
101 => '- Magento_EncryptionKey',
102 => '- Magento_Enterprise',
103 => '- Magento_Eway',
104 => '- Magento_Fedex',
105 => '- Magento_TargetRule',
106 => '- Magento_GiftCardAccount',
107 => '- Magento_GiftCardImportExport',
108 => '- Magento_Tax',
109 => '- Magento_GiftMessage',
110 => '- Magento_GiftMessageStaging',
111 => '- Magento_Weee',
112 => '- Magento_GiftWrapping',
113 => '- Magento_GiftWrappingStaging',
114 => '- Magento_GoogleAdwords',
115 => '- Magento_GoogleAnalytics',
116 => '- Magento_GoogleOptimizer',
117 => '- Magento_GoogleOptimizerStaging',
118 => '- Magento_PageCache',
119 => '- Magento_GroupedImportExport',
120 => '- Magento_GroupedProduct',
121 => '- Magento_GroupedProductStaging',
122 => '- Magento_DownloadableImportExport',
123 => '- CueBlocks_AdminOnlyPaymentMethod',
124 => '- Magento_Security',
125 => '- Magento_Invitation',
126 => '- Magento_LayeredNavigation',
127 => '- Magento_LayeredNavigationStaging',
128 => '- Magento_Logging',
129 => '- Magento_Marketplace',
130 => '- Magento_CatalogEvent',
131 => '- Magento_MessageQueue',
132 => '- Fooman_PrintOrderPdf',
133 => '- Magento_MsrpStaging',
134 => '- Magento_MultipleWishlist',
135 => '- Magento_Multishipping',
136 => '- Magento_MysqlMq',
137 => '- Magento_NewRelicReporting',
138 => '- Magento_Newsletter',
139 => '- Magento_OfflinePayments',
140 => '- Magento_OfflineShipping',
141 => '- Magento_GoogleTagManager',
142 => '- Fooman_Connect',
143 => '- Magento_PaymentStaging',
144 => '- Magento_Paypal',
145 => '- Magento_Persistent',
146 => '- Magento_PersistentHistory',
147 => '- Magento_PricePermissions',
148 => '- Magento_GiftRegistry',
149 => '- Magento_ProductVideo',
150 => '- Magento_CatalogStaging',
151 => '- Magento_PromotionPermissions',
152 => '- Magento_Authorizenet',
153 => '- Magento_Reminder',
154 => '- Magento_ConfigurableProductStaging',
155 => '- Magento_Shipping',
156 => '- Magento_ResourceConnections',
157 => '- Magento_Review',
158 => '- Magento_ReviewStaging',
159 => '- Magento_Reward',
160 => '- Magento_Rma',
161 => '- Magento_RmaStaging',
162 => '- Magento_Rss',
163 => '- Fooman_ConnectAddonCanada',
164 => '- Fooman_PdfCustomiser',
165 => '- Magento_SalesArchive',
166 => '- Magento_SalesInventory',
167 => '- Magento_AdvancedSalesRule',
168 => '- Magento_SalesRuleStaging',
169 => '- Fooman_SameOrderInvoiceNumber',
170 => '- Magento_SampleData',
171 => '- Magento_ScalableCheckout',
172 => '- Magento_ScalableInventory',
173 => '- Magento_ScalableOms',
174 => '- Magento_ScheduledImportExport',
175 => '- Magento_Elasticsearch',
176 => '- Magento_SearchStaging',
177 => '- Magento_Integration',
178 => '- Magento_SendFriend',
179 => '- Ess_M2ePro',
180 => '- Magento_Sitemap',
181 => '- Magento_Solr',
182 => '- Magento_CatalogInventoryStaging',
183 => '- FishPig_WordPress',
184 => '- Magento_Support',
185 => '- Magento_Swagger',
186 => '- Magento_Swatches',
187 => '- Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation',
188 => '- Magento_GiftCardStaging',
189 => '- Fooman_FixForFullTaxOnInvoicePdf',
190 => '- Magento_TaxImportExport',
191 => '- Ebizmarts_MageMonkey',
192 => '- Magento_Translation',
193 => '- Limesharp_Stockists',
194 => '- Magento_Ups',
195 => '- Magento_CatalogUrlRewriteStaging',
196 => '- Magento_BundleStaging',
197 => '- Magento_Usps',
198 => '- Magento_Variable',
199 => '- Magento_Braintree',
200 => '- Magento_Version',
201 => '- Magento_CatalogRuleStaging',
202 => '- Magento_VisualMerchandiser',
203 => '- Magento_Webapi',
204 => '- Magento_WebapiSecurity',
205 => '- Magento_CatalogPermissions',
206 => '- Magento_DownloadableStaging',
207 => '- Magento_WeeeStaging',
208 => '- Magento_BannerCustomerSegment',
209 => '- Magento_ProductVideoStaging',
210 => '- Magento_Worldpay',
211 => '- Mageplaza_Core',
212 => '- Mageplaza_LayeredNavigation',
213 => '- MercadoPago_Core',
214 => '- MercadoPago_MercadoEnvios',
215 => '- Nwdthemes_Base',
216 => '- Nwdthemes_Revslider',
217 => '- Plumrocket_Base',
218 => '- Plumrocket_SocialLoginFree',
219 => '- Pump_Applepay',
220 => '- Pump_Bootstrap',
221 => '- Pump_Canadapost',
222 => '- Pump_ChannelIntegration',
223 => '- Pump_Conversions',
224 => '- Pump_ImageEngine',
225 => '- Pump_Pumpadmin',
226 => '- Pump_Shipping',
227 => '- Pump_Tracking',
228 => '- Pump_Updateinventory',
229 => '- Pump_Wplogin',
230 => '- Scommerce_Core',
231 => '- Scommerce_FacebookConversion',
232 => '- Shipwire_Shipping',
233 => '- ShopGo_CurrencyImportServices',
234 => '- Shopial_Facebook',
235 => '- Simi_Paypalmobile',
236 => '- Simi_Simiconnector',
237 => '- Taxjar_SalesTax',
238 => '- WeltPixel_Backend',
239 => '- WeltPixel_GoogleCards',
240 => '- WeltPixel_OwlCarouselSlider',
241 => '- Wyomind_Core',
242 => '- Wyomind_DataFeedManager',
243 => '- Yotpo_Yotpo',
244 => '- Zendesk_Zendesk',
245 => '',
246 => 'Cache cleared successfully.',
247 => 'Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the \'setup:di:compile\' command to generate classes.',
248 => 'Info: Some modules might require static view files to be cleared. To do this, run \'module:enable\' with the --clear-static-content option to clear them.',
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Running DI compilation
[2017-07-18 18:57:00] Command:php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
0 => 'Compilation was started.',
1 => '%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec 44.0 MiB%message% 0/7 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec 44.0 MiBProxies code generation... 0/7 [>---------------------------] 0% 1 sec 44.0 MiB',
2 => 'Proxies code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% 1 sec 50.0 MiB',
3 => 'Repositories code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% 1 sec 50.0 MiB',
4 => 'Repositories code generation... 2/7 [========>-------------------] 28% 13 secs 278.0 MiB',
5 => 'Service data attributes generation... 2/7 [========>-------------------] 28% 13 secs 278.0 MiB',
6 => 'Service data attributes generation... 3/7 [============>---------------] 42% 13 secs 280.0 MiB',
7 => 'Application code generator... 3/7 [============>---------------] 42% 13 secs 280.0 MiB',
8 => 'Application code generator... 4/7 [================>-----------] 57% 34 secs 298.0 MiB',
9 => 'Interceptors generation... 4/7 [================>-----------] 57% 34 secs 298.0 MiB',
10 => 'Interceptors generation... 5/7 [====================>-------] 71% 2 mins 352.0 MiB',
11 => 'Area configuration aggregation... 5/7 [====================>-------] 71% 2 mins 352.0 MiB',
12 => 'Area configuration aggregation... 6/7 [========================>---] 85% 2 mins 500.0 MiB',
13 => 'Interception cache generation... 6/7 [========================>---] 85% 2 mins 500.0 MiB',
14 => 'Interception cache generation... 7/7 [============================] 100% 2 mins 500.0 MiB',
15 => 'Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.',
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Skipping static content deploy
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Clearing temporary directory.
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf ../init/*
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf app/etc/env.php
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf app/etc/config.php
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Copying writable directories to temp directory.
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p init/var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R var/di/* ./init/var/di/"
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p var/di
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p init/var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:mkdir -p var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R var/generation/* ./init/var/generation/"
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:58:59] Command:rm -rf var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p var/generation
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p init/app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R app/etc/* ./init/app/etc/"
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:rm -rf app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p app/etc
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p init/pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:/bin/bash -c "shopt -s dotglob; cp -R pub/media/* ./init/pub/media/"
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:rm -rf pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Command:mkdir -p pub/media
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Status:0
[2017-07-18 18:59:00] Output:array (
Generating autoload files
Executing pre-flight checks...
Compressing application.
Beaming package to its final destination.
Provisioning certificates:
Reusing existing certificates.
Re-deploying environment 65y2iwmymaini-master.
Environment configuration:
mymagento (type: php:7.0, size: S, disk: 25480)
elasticsearch (type: elasticsearch:2.4, size: S, disk: 2048)
redis (type: redis:3.0, size: S)
mysql (type: mysql:10.0, size: S, disk: 3072)
Environment routes:
http://master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://wholesale---pumpunderwear---com---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://wholesale1---pumpunderwear---com---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://www---pumpunderwear---ca---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://www---pumpunderwear---co---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://www---pumpunderwear---co---uk---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://www---pumpunderwear---es---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://www---pumpunderwear---fr---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
http://www---pumpunderwear---mx---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
https://master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
https://wholesale---pumpunderwear---com---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
https://wholesale1---pumpunderwear---com---master-65y2iwmymaini.us.magentosite.cloud/ is served by application `mymagento`
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