[AlphaCommerceHub] Which formal rules should my Magento 2 extension use to choose the API's production domain when a merchant has switched my extension from the test/sandbox mode to the production mode?

I have already known 3 different web domains for the API’s production mode:

  1. hub.alphapaymentscloud.com
  • hubuat.alphacommercehub.com.au
  • hub.sg.alphapaymentscloud.com

Which formal rules should my Magento 2 extension use to choose the API’s production domain among these 3 when a merchant has switched my extension from the test/sandbox mode to the production mode?

See also:

I have got an answer from AlphaCommerceHub:

As per my other email, these are the URLs that should be used.

For API calls:
UAT: https://hubapiuat.alphacommercehub.com.au
Prod: https://hubapi.alphacommercehub.com.au

For HPP calls:
UAT: https://hubuat.alphacommercehub.com.au/pp/
Prod: https://hub.alphacommercehub.com.au/pp/

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