[AlphaCommerceHub] Is the `MerchantDescriptor` parameter really accepts up to 64 characters?

The MerchantDescriptor parameter is documented on the «AlphaHPP» → «Request a Paypage Session» page.
This page says that the MerchantDescriptor parameter accepts up to 64 characters:

In my practice, I never met a payment service provider which allow such long dynamics statement descriptors.
Wikipedia says:

This field typically has a limit of twenty-five (25) characters


Stripe accepts up to 22 characters:

An arbitrary string to be displayed on your customer’s credit card statement.
This may be up to 22 characters.

Is AlphaCommerceHub really accepts 64 characters for statement descriptor values?

The value is truncated depending on the provider of the payment processing.

The Wikipedia article mainly focuses on card schemes, but as the platform supports many different payment methods worldwide this can be passed through to various providers where appropriate.

The 64 character limit is simply what the hub will accept, not what is sent through to the end provider.

Another answer:

Many payment providers have a restriction of 21-25 chars.
We do have a longer field to allow for some other alternative payment methods that allow longer descriptors.


Implemented in 0.1.4.