Please install the Stripe extension to

I have installed the extension:

While installing, I have encountered and solved the following issues:

  1. «There are no commands defined»

Great work! Thanks!
Is the plugin working? Can you activate it?

You need to follow the instructions and activate it yourself with your credentials and your webohook.

Can you just enable it in order to make sure it works?

3 posts were split to a new topic: How to fix JavaScript errors is console after installing an extension?

3 posts were split to a new topic: There is a «Please wait» sign that doesn’t go away after installing the Stripe extension to Magento 2.0.x

Great work! Thanks! I’ll check all the settings and let you know if there is any other issue.
Thanks a lot!

Good morning! I’ve just checked and the plugin doesn’t work on the frontend. There is some other JS error for CC input fields. Can you please take a look:

Do not do anything with the website, I will check it now.

Any news?

I have fixed it right now:

I’ve just checked and there are still JS errors in console. Also, when I change state, CC input fields get broken just as before…

Do not do anything with the website, I will check it now.

Your JavaScript error is a Braintree bug: «Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addErrorMessage’ of undefined».
I think it is not related to my Stripe extension, but I have fixed it.
Maybe you have not encounter it before just because you do not re-deploy the static content so often.

Unable to reproduce the «change state» issue.
I changed states, and the bank card field stayed the same.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Stripe.js: «Can only create one Element of type cardNumber»

I have reproduced your issue.
Do not do anything with the website, I will fix it now.

I have fixed the «Can only create one Element of type cardNumber» issue.
This issue was caused by the HS_OneStepCheckout module.
It reloads the payment form on country changing.
Unfortunately, there is no way to preserve the previously entered bank card data after such reload, because Stripe dynamically creates an IFRAME for each bank card form element, and it does not allow any JavaScript to access the entered values (for security reasons).

I see. Did you manage to complete one test order?

Of course: see them in the backend.