How to fix the `admin/noroute/denied` (`ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS`) backend issue?

Your store’s backend denies me:

Works fine for me… How do I send you the login?

I think you have set some IP address restrictions for the backend.

Nope, I’ve just checked from some other IP and it works. Can you try incognito?

Check the «Developer» → «Developer Client Restrictions» → «Allowed IPs (comma separated)» backend configuration option value.

It’s empty…
Maybe you didn’t create your admin account properly?

It looks like bin/magento admin:user:create does not work properly for your website.

Maybe because it uses an outdated (2.0.2) Magento version.

It is related to the following issues:

Provide me Magento backend credentials via email.

Done and done.

4 posts were split to a new topic: How to fix the «You did not sign in correctly or your account is temporarily disabled» backend issue?

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