[AlphaCommerceHub] How can I know `MerchantID` (which is required for the `PaymentStatus` and `CapturePayment` PayPal transactions) if a `SuccessURL` response to a PayPal payment does not provide it?


A SuccessURL response to a PayPal payment does not provide MerchantTxnID.
It provides only a token and a PayerID.

But the PaymentStatus and CapturePayment PayPal trasactions require MerchantTxnID:

So how should my Magento module find out the MerchantTxnID?

MerchantTxnID will be specified in the initial OnlinePayment request

OK, I will save the order’s MerchantTxnID to the customer’s PHP session before redirecting the customer to an AlphaCommerceHub’s hosted payment page, and will restore this value from the session on a SuccessURL handling.