AlphaCommerceHub rejects the PayPal's `PaymentStatus` transaction: «No routing available for the supplied parameters»


1. Response

    "Banks": null,
    "Country": null,
    "DocumentResults": null,
    "EmailChecks": null,
    "FraudChecks": null,
    "GeoChecks": null,
    "ProviderResps": {
        "ProviderResp": []
    "Result": {
        "Amount": "161000",
        "Currency": "AUD",
        "custom1": null,
        "custom2": null,
        "custom3": null,
        "custom4": null,
        "custom5": null,
        "MerchantID": "ANTERIOR001",
        "MerchantTxnID": "1122.2L758",
        "ResponseCode": "1064",
        "ResponseMessage": "No routing available for the supplied parameters. Please review routing parameter configuration",
        "ResponseTimestamp": "04122017152532"
    "ShippingService": null,
    "TaxResultLines": null

2. Request

2.1. Headers

Request: POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
<other headers>

2.2. Body

    "Header": {
        "MerchantID": "ANTERIOR001",
        "TransactionType": "PaymentStatus",
        "UserID": "<...>",
        "Version": "2"
    "Transaction": {
        "Amount": "161000",
        "Currency": "AUD",
        "MerchantTxnID": "1122.2L758",
        "Method": "PP"

The previous issue was AlphaCommerceHub rejects the PayPal’s PaymentStatus transaction: «No Processor flow found for Transaction type: PaymentStatus»

Please try again. It appears someone edited the process flow and removed the API so there was nothing to execute. Please check process flow config first if you get any other errors