- /**
- * Create modal for show product
- *
- * @private
- */
- _bindDialog: function () {
- var widget = this,
- selectedProductList = {},
- popup = $('[data-role=add-product-dialog]'),
- gridPopup;
- popup.modal({
- type: 'slide',
- innerScroll: true,
- title: $.mage.__('Add Products to Group'),
- modalClass: 'grouped',
- /** @inheritdoc */
- open: function () {
- $(this).addClass('admin__scope-old'); // ToDo UI: remove with old styles removal
- },
- buttons: [{
- id: 'grouped-product-dialog-apply-button',
- text: $.mage.__('Add Selected Products'),
- 'class': 'action-primary action-add',
- /** @inheritdoc */
- click: function () {
- $.each(selectedProductList, function (index, product) {
- widget._add(null, product);
- });
- widget._resort();
- widget._updateGridVisibility();
- popup.modal('closeModal');
- }
- }]
- });
- popup.on('click', '[data-role=row]', function (event) {
- var target = $(event.target);
- if (!target.is('input')) {
- target.closest('[data-role=row]')
- .find('[data-column=entity_ids] input')
- .prop('checked', function (element, value) {
- return !value;
- })
- .trigger('change');
- }
- });
- popup.on(
- 'change',
- '[data-role=row] [data-column=entity_ids] input',
- $.proxy(function (event) {
- var element = $(event.target),
- product = {};
- if (element.is(':checked')) {
- product.id = element.val();
- product.qty = 0;
- element.closest('[data-role=row]').find('[data-column]').each(function (index, el) {
- product[$(el).data('column')] = $.trim($(el).text());
- });
- selectedProductList[product.id] = product;
- } else {
- delete selectedProductList[element.val()];
- }
- }, this)
- );
- gridPopup = $(this.options.gridPopup).data('gridObject');
- $('[data-role=add-product]').on('click', function (event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- popup.modal('openModal');
- gridPopup.reload();
- selectedProductList = {};
- });
- $('#' + gridPopup.containerId).on('gridajaxsettings', function (event, ajaxSettings) {
- var ids = widget.$grid.find('[data-role=id]').map(function (index, element) {
- return $(element).val();
- }).toArray();
- ajaxSettings.data.filter = $.extend(ajaxSettings.data.filter || {}, {
- 'entity_ids': ids
- });
- }).on('gridajax', function (event, ajaxRequest) {
- ajaxRequest.done(function () {
- popup.find('[data-role=row] [data-column=entity_ids] input').each(function (index, element) {
- var $element = $(element);
- $element.prop('checked', !!selectedProductList[$element.val()]);
- });
- });
- });
- },