After having changed the server, the orders that are not confirmed because of some issue on the 3D secure code (for example, secure code not provided) go first in Processing status and then, after a few hours, in Cancelled status.
Before moving the site to the new hosting service, the orders with problems with 3D secure were not considered (i.e. they were not present in the context of the orders grid).
We would need the system to work like this last option. Could you kindly let us know what we have to do to revert its behavior back?
Thanks and best regards.
The standard Magento bevaviour is to show all (even failed) orders in the backend orders grid.
How had you hidden the failed orders from the backend orders list exactly? (is it a modification or maybe just filters settings?)
Hi Dmitry,
thank you for your reply.
Is there a way to have the orders with associated the wording “The payment is not yet being confirmed by Strype” with associated the status “Pending Payment”?

Thanks and best regards.
Which status they have now?
Hi Dmitry,
they have now the “Pending” status that is not ok as it is the same status associated to the orders paid with COD.
Thank you and best regards.
OK, I can implement this feature for $150.
The backend will have a setting: «Which status should be used for payments not yet confirmed by Stripe?» with 2 options: «Pending» and «Pending Payment».
Ok, let me confirm this with the client. I think it should be ok.
One question about the payment: how could they pay you? Do you accept PayPal, for example?
Thanks and best regards.
Yes, my PayPal account is
Also, I have an account in Upwork:
Ok, thanks.
One last question: in what timeline could you implement your modification?
OK, I will communicate you the confirmation asap.
Hi Dmitry,
we can then move forward with this.
Could you please provide me with your email address?
Thanks and best regards.
Ok, thanks. I just sent you an email.
You are wrong: I have not received any emails.
I prefer to have ALL information in the single place: HERE.
I replied to your email
Hello Dmitry,
our client and I have tried to contact you asking for an invoice containing also your data (else, it couldn’t be considered valid).
Is it possible to receive it from you, so to start with the activity?
Please, let me know.
There would also be another issue that we would need to be fixed related to the fact that, in some cases, the order status passes from “Cancelled” to “Processing” and, finally, to “Ship”.
I am looking forward to hearing from you so to proceed also with this fix (to be extra quoted by you) on the basis of a compliant invoice.
Thank you and kind regards.
I have just spoken with the client and they are ok to proceed also without an invoice.
Please, let me know the amount for the overall task (incuding the last asked fix).
How to reproduce it exactly?