bin/magento setup:di:compile Compilation was started. Repositories code generation... 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% 1 sec 72.5


I have done a fresh clean install of magento 2.3 on apache 2, shared server,

already done below steps

  1. commented --if version-- in all .htaccess files, as mod_version module not available.

  2. provided proper permissions to folders and files

  3. bin/magento setup:upgrade

  4. bin/magento setup static-content:deploy -f

  5. bin/magento indexer:reindex

  6. bin/magento cache:flush

  7. however on setup:di:compile terminal hangs

php -d memory_limit=768M bin/magento setup:di:compile
Compilation was started.
Repositories code generation… 1/7 [====>-----------------------] 14% 1 sec 72.5

Fatal error: Class ‘Magento\Paypal\Block\Payment\Info’ not found in /home/luxeron/public_html/ on line 13

what could be the reason for this,

after checking magento dev docs…

==>change Magento to to developer mode, so you do not have to use di:compile