Module inside a Module

Can we write a module which contains submodule in magento2

What does mean “contains” in your case?

I want to write a magento2 module in granular(microservice) way, not as a monolithic way. And I just watched a video in youtube uploaded by Max pronko which has payment modules. In that submodules contains registration.php and also the main directory also contains registration.php



and youtube link is click

My mage2pro/core Composer package contains multiple Magento 2 modules even without duplicating registration.php files.

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Thanks. very much helpful

what the difference between global-payments/registration.php and global-payments/sub-module-example/registration.php

If we use both registration.php file don’t we get error. because in your module only one registration.php file is present.

Ask this question to the module’s developer.
