«order item having status CANCELLED by order status is COMPLETED»

at first customer failed payment, (order item status become CANCELLED)
after 3 min the payment was captured (ORDER status become PROCESSING then COMPLETED) - see image attached


issue is now order item having status CANCELLED by order status is COMPLETED. No shipment can be created. I think is due to ipay88 callback after payment captured.

how to solve this issue with your extension?

Please provide me SSH access to the website’s server.

ssh server: sportsclick.my
user: root-control
psw: *********

I have fixed it with the code:

UPDATE sales_order_item SET qty_canceled = 0 WHERE 6178 = order_id;

is this a permanent solution? because this happen few times
anything to do with the extension? i think is due to an ipay call back to update the payment status which caused this. it should also update the order item status as well.