How is the categories chooser implemented on a backend product's screen?

See also:

Trying to make a module that will allow me to make a “repeatable field”. Seems like using this as a base would be a good start, the thing I am struggling with is where is it assigned that attribute ‘category_ids’ should use this code? Aren’t helpers usually applied through the xml in etc?

The article does not contain the category_ids word.
Please give the exact link to the Magento 2 source code what you are talking about.

I can’t find the source code, thats the problem I was hoping you could help with. The question here is: How is the categories chooser implemented on a backend product’s screen? The categories chooser is just an attribute called ‘category_ids’ that is set as a ‘Text’ type field. Where would it tell it to use the code here: magento/magento2/blob/2ea8cdd7/app/code/Magento/Catalog/Block/Adminhtml/Product/Helper/Form/Category.php#L125-L145

Thanks for the clarification, I understand now.
The association is here: