Order item statuses meaning

Title PHP constant Meaning Initialization
[Ordered][1] [STATUS_PENDING][2] Initial status (just after the order item creation). No order item products are shipped, nor invoiced, nor refunded, nor backordered, nor canceled. `!$invoiced && !$shipped && !$refunded && !$canceled && !$backordered` [source][3]
[Invoiced][7] [STATUS_INVOICED][8] All the order item products which was actually ordered (ordered and not canceled nor refunded) has been invoiced but no one of them has been shipped. Invoiced quantity is positive. `$invoiced && !$shipped && $actuallyOrdered == $invoiced` [source][9]
[Shipped][4] [STATUS_SHIPPED][5] All the order item products which was actually ordered (ordered and not canceled nor refunded) has been shipped. Shipped quantity is positive. `$shipped && $invoiced && $actuallyOrdered == $shipped` [source][6]
[Backordered][10] [STATUS_BACKORDERED][11] All the order item products which was actually ordered (ordered and not canceled nor refunded) has been backordered. Backordered quantity is positive. `$backordered && $actuallyOrdered == $backordered` [source][12]
[Canceled][13] [STATUS_CANCELED][14] All the order item products has been canceled. `$canceled && $ordered == $canceled` [source][15]
[Refunded][22] [STATUS_REFUNDED][23] All the order item products has been refunded. `$refunded && $ordered == $refunded` [source][24]
[Partial][16] [STATUS_PARTIAL][17] All the statuses above are not applicable and some of the actually ordered items has not been shipped and some of the actually ordered items has not been invoiced. `max($shipped, $invoiced) < $actuallyOrdered` [source][18]
[Mixed][19] [STATUS_MIXED][20] All the statuses above are not applicable. This means that all the actualy ordered items has been invoiced and only part of them has been shipped. [source][21]
[Returned][25] [STATUS_RETURNED][26] Never used in Magento Community Edition. [Used by][27] the Magento Enterprise Edition's RMA module. [never used][28]