My password is MD5
but use CSV import to Magento2 can’t login.
What is the import’s source?
customerimport.txt (366 Bytes)
can’t upload .csv,
pls rename files
Sorry, I have enabled the CSV upload just now.
How is the file produced?
file is use Magento2 customer import sample file.
and i change email and password_hash Field.
customer (2).csv (570 Bytes)
when i import customerimport.csv ,can’t Login to Magento2 Front… I think password_hash Field is wrong.
But in M1,can use MD5…
how use MD5 in Magento2?
Where do you find this “customer import sample file”?
Which module settings do you show?
Magento 2 (and Magento 1.x, except the oldest versions) versions add a salt to a password
Here is how a hash is generated:
A post was split to a new topic: How to import customers passwords md5 hashes from an external system, which stores the hashes without a salt?