Class 'Df\Core\Helper\Path' not found

Hi … yes that error is gone, but now on Frontend I am seeing this at the very bottom:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Df\Core\Helper\Path' not found in /vendor/mage2pro/core/Core/lib/filesystem.php:388 
Stack trace: 
#0 /vendor/mage2pro/core/Core/lib/filesystem.php(163): df_path() 
#1 /vendor/mage2pro/core/Qa/lib/log.php(86): df_file_put_contents('/var/www/beta.p...', '[E_CORE_WARNING...') 
#2 /vendor/mage2pro/core/Qa/Message.php(34): df_report('{date...', '[E_CORE_WARNING...') 
#3 /vendor/mage2pro/core/Qa/Message/Failure/Error.php(64): Df\Qa\Message->log() 
#4 /vendor/mage2pro/core/registration.php(22): Df\Qa\Message\Failure\Error::check() 
#5 [internal function]: {closure}() 
#6 {main} thrown in /vendor/mage2pro/core/Core/lib/filesystem.php on line 388

I upgraded to the latest version today


You are wrong: there is no such class usage on the line 388 of the file filesistem.php in the latest version (this line is just a comment):

It looks like you have violated the upgrade instruction.
You should strictly follow the upgrade instruction every time when you upgrade the extension.

Also you should learn how to use separate topics for separate questions.
It is all a basic knowledge: you will learn it one time and use again and again saving your and my time.