Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition bug: «The file "/composer.json" doesn't exist»

./magento2-base/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Model/Installer.php: $this->log->log("The file '{$absolutePath}' doesn't exist - skipping cleanup");

These messages are unrelated to the error message.

Local file doesn’t exist: {$local}

The word «Local» is absent in the error message.

The file ‘{$absolutePath}’ doesn’t exist - skipping cleanup

The «- skipping cleanup» suffix is absent in the error message.

does it have anything to do with this :

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught RuntimeException: ObjectManager isn't initialized in /var/www/
Stack trace:
#0 /var/www/ Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()
#1 /var/www/ df_om()
#2 /var/www/ {closure}('Magento\\Framewo...')
#3 /var/www/ dfcf(Object(Closure), Array)
#4 /var/www/ df_o('Magento\\Framewo...')
#5 /var/www/ df_module_dir('Df_Core')
#6 /var/www/ df_module_path('Df_Core')
#7 /var/www/ in /var/www/ on line 31
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /var/www/
PHP   2. require() /var/www/
PHP   3. require_once() /var/www/
PHP   4. include() /var/www/
PHP   5. ComposerAutoloaderInitc835b588ff1adeacac61af3874973a0f::getLoader() /var/www/
PHP   6. composerRequirec835b588ff1adeacac61af3874973a0f() /var/www/


So what am I supposed to do with this? Only solution offered so far by magento is remove module … is that where we leave this ? When I do remove stripe the Magento cloud deploy Process does in fact work as they say …

Learn the answer here: Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition bug: «The file "/composer.json" doesn't exist»
If you do not understand it, re-read it again.
Why is it so hard to understand what I write from the first attempt?!?

It’s not hard to understand, its just not a real answer. Magento says this:

Vidal Yesterday at 00:34
Hello Sam,

Unfortunately, the creator of the extension must determine the cause of the issue between Magento and the extension. The integration of any 3rd party application is the responsibility of the SI and/or the creator of the extension.


Meanwhile we can’t even deploy Magento to the Cloud without removing Stripe our pay processor. And neither you or Magento seem to care.

All my extensions are 100% Open Source and published on GitHub:
So they can be easily explored and debugged by other developers and customers.
Magento Enterprise Cloud is a closed source and undocumented (!) service with (as you said) 2 weeks delay in customer support.
I do not know what is the cause of your issue, and I do not have any ability to debug it because of lack of the Cloud’s source code and specification.
I recommend you just leave Magento Cloud and use your own server, which you can control and debug.

Luckily, I was able to reproduce a similar issue and investigate it:

With a high probability it is the same issue as yours, and I have created a workaround for it the 2.9.9 version of the mage2pro/core package.

Just upgrade your Stripe extension and try to redeploy your website to production again.


Great that you found that. I updated it but unfortunately it still gives the same error when I try to deploy it :frowning:

Which version of the mage2pro/core package is installed on update?

mage2pro/core 2.9.11 Mage2.PRO core package.
mage2pro/stripe 1.10.0 The «Stripe» payment extension for Magento 2.

It means that you should wait infinite time for another solution for your closed source undocumented black box.

Look at the error I was just able to reproduce in a docker container. It happened when I disabled all modules from command line and then re-able them. Magento-Cloud does exactly this when it deploys. Does this help figure out why that error shows up? It does not look specific to Magento-cloud anymore…


I told you about it 9 days ago, and it has been fixed that day.

Yes and I upgraded which still did not work and you had said to wait for a solution forever because this was undocumented and closed source. But I am not even using Magento Cloud now and get the same error so is it still some black box code ??

I think, you have upgraded your system in some low-quality way, because the module:enable Magento 2 core bug was fixed by me 9 days ago.
If you state that you have upgraded correctly, then give me acccess to your upgraded installation where the module:enable command fails, and I will point you to your mistake exactly.

As a guess from your words, look at your action «I disabled all modules from command line».
Congratulations, you have disabled my patch too!
So, if your run module:enable after this action, the Magento 2 core bug will reproduce again (nobody patches it, you have disabled the patch by your own arms).

It is just one of my guesses from your exact words. Actually, there are plenty wrong ways to implement my 4 step upgrading instruction.

I was just trying to do what the Cloud deploy scripts do … that is probably the reason then why it still fails. Cloud build function disables all modules, and then re-enables them again.

What does the patch do exactly? Maybe I can turn it into a Magneto patch that the build process runs (along with he other patches Magento runs)?