- <argument name="supportedVersionPatterns" xsi:type="array">
- <!-- 2024-08-17 Dmitrii Fediuk https://upwork.com/fl/mage2pro
- 1) The 2 lines below are duplicated from https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.4.4/app/etc/di.xml#L1854-L1855
- 2) Without them, Magento will fail for MySQL:
- «Current version of RDBMS is not supported. Used Version: 5.7.18. Supported versions: MariaDB-(10.2-10.6)»
- on `bin/magento setup:upgrade`:https://github.com/cabinetsbay/core/issues/23 -->
- <item name="MySQL-8" xsi:type="string">^8\.0\.</item>
- <item name="MySQL-5.7" xsi:type="string">^5\.7\.</item>
- <!-- 2024-08-16 Dmitrii Fediuk https://upwork.com/fl/mage2pro
- 1) "Suppress the «Current version of RDBMS is not supported» error": https://github.com/cabinetsbay/site/issues/160
- 2) "Cloudways has stopped to provide a MySQL / MariaDB version compatible with Magento 2.4.4":
- # https://github.com/cabinetsbay/
- 3) «Current version of RDBMS is not supported. Used Version: 10.5.25-MariaDB-deb11-log.
- Supported versions: MySQL-8, MySQL-5.7, MariaDB-(10.2-10.4): https://github.com/cabinetsbay/site/issues/159
- # 4) "The recent Cloudways update broke `bin/magento setup:upgrade` for Magento < 2.4.4, 2.4.4 < 2.4.4-p9, 2.4.5 < 2.4.5-p8":
- # https://mage2.pro/t/6461 -->
- <item name="MariaDB-(10.2-10.6)" xsi:type="string">^10\.[2-6]\.</item>
- </argument>