[AlphaCommerceHub] What is the full set of characters treated as «alphanumeric» in the specification?

I checked the Wikipedia article: Alphanumericals - Wikipedia
It says:

Alphanumeric is a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters, and is used to describe the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits or a text constructed from this collection.

It is unclear for me:

  1. How do AlphaCommerceHub developers treat the «Latin letters» character set?
    Does is mean «English alphabet - only letters», or what?
    Will AlphaCommerceHub reject a payment transactions with the «Rónán» word in its description (TxnDetails) or in a product name (OrderDetails[0].ItemName), for example?
  • How do AlphaCommerceHub developers treat the «a text constructed from this collection» phrase?
    Does it mean only the space (« ») character or what?

  • What should I do with the hyphen-spelled words e.g., in a product name (OrderDetails[0].ItemName)?
    E.g.: «sugar-free», «built-in».
    Should I replace hyphens with spaces? «sugar free», «built in»? Or what?

See also: