[AlphaCommerceHub] The `EmailAddress` AlphaHPP request field is wrongly marked as «Alpha» («alphanumeric»)

It is stated here: http://developer.alphacommercehub.com.au/docs/alphahpp-#request-a-paypage-session

EmailAddress Alpha 64 O The customers email address

The «Alpha» («alphanumeric») specification for an email address is wrong anyway at least because of the @ and . characters.

Moreover, an email address can contain:

So what are the real AlphaCommerceHub limitations for a customer’s email addresses?
I do not want to have failed payments again just because of some extra character, so I want to know exact limitations.

I have got a response from AlphaCommerceHub:

Good catch. Will update this in the documentation
Will need to check on what special characters are accepted

Pattern of supported chars