Is it normal that AlphaCommerceHub treats a bracket in a payment description or in a product name as a critical error, and rejects the whole payment?

Maybe it would better to strip the unallowed characters from payment descriptions and product names on the AlphaCommerceHub side and proceed with the payment?

A customer wants to pay, and I do not understand why does AlphaCommerceHub stop him and loss the money just because of a bracket which can be simply stripped.

I have integrated 18 payment service providers with Magento 2, and only one of them behave in such way (2Checkout), and they really loss a lot of money for themselves and their merchants.

See also:

I have got a response from AlphaCommerceHub:

What I am going to do is to request a change to allow additional characters in this field, the typical punctuation characters etc and including brackets. However I don’t know when we can make that change.

I think we would still prefer to have some characters that are not permitted. If we have a master set of allowed chars and some are not allowed against a particular payment processor we could look to strip/replace on the individual API