Stripe integration

Hi Dmitry,

Just wanted to say thanks for the excellent stripe plugin for Magento 2, been struggling with a Barclaycard Extension for a couple of weeks now, got yours up & running with stripe in about half an hour!! Life saver!

Thanks again,
Dan Cooling (

Since the version 1.10.0, you can optionally prefill the cardholder’s name from the billing address.

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The version 1.11.0 is released.
The multishipping scenario support is significantly improved.
An example of a multishipping checkout with Stripe payment.

Multishipping checkout demo video:

The version 1.12.0 is released.
From now on, the extension passes the full customer’s billing address to Stripe on a bank card tokenization.

2 posts were split to a new topic: How to accept Bitcoins with Stripe?

The version 2.1.0 is released.
The extension now supports the Brazilian and Mexican merchants.
Please note that the «Payment Currency» dropdown is disabled for such merchants, because Stripe does not allow to choose a payment currency for them.

The version 2.2.0 is released.
The Stripe Elements technology is fully implemented now.
Previously, it was implemented in the multishipping scenario.

Checkout and Elements host all form inputs containing card data within an IFRAME served from Stripe’s domain—not yours—so your customers’ card information never touches your servers.

The version 2.3.0 is released.
There are 2 improvements for the multi-shipping scenario:

  1. The «Require the cardholder’s name?» feature now works in the multi-shipping scenario (in the same way as in the single-shipping scenario).

  2. The customer’s billing address is now passed to the createToken() Stripe.js method (in the same way as in the single-shipping scenario).

Since the version 2.4.5, my Stripe extension supports the 3D Secure verification for bank card payments.

A post was merged into an existing topic: The payment input fields aren’t working with live stripe keys