Stripe integration

The module integrates Magento 2 with the Stripe payment service.
The module is free and open source.

Demo videos

  1. Capture and Refund
  2. Preauthorization and Capture
  3. Preauthorization and Voiding
  4. Review and Accept / Deny
  5. Capture from a Stripe account
  6. Refund from a Stripe account
  7. Save and reuse bank cards
  8. Multishipping checkout

How to install

Hire me in Upwork, and I will:

  • install and configure the module properly on your website
  • answer your questions
  • solve compatiblity problems with third-party checkout, shipping, marketing modules
  • implement new features you need

How to update.

Who is using it?
See also a showcase of the real clients usage.


The extension’s backend settings are located in the «Mage2.PRO» → «Payment» → «Stripe» section.


See also a showcase of the real clients usage.

1. A simple payment form without saved bank cards

2. Using a saved bank card

3. Using a new bank card

Hi, does your extension use Stripe API or Stripe.js (for PCI compliance)?

My extension uses Stripe.js, so it does not require a Magento 2 store to be PCI-compliant.

This extension really pulled me out of a tight situation

During installation there was an incompatibility with the version of Magento2, within 5 minutes of contacting Dmitry he was able to patch and distribute a universally compatible version, including Magento2’s 2.1.x RC1 and Magento 2.0.x

As an experienced developer, devops and cloud architect, I was very impressed with both the module and the developer

If you are integrating Stripe and Magento2, this is the module you are looking for.

Installed this extension on Magento 2.0.7 and works very good, wasn’t easy to find one working on that version of magento !
Also support team is very fast and effective , really good work !

From the version 1.3.3 you can see the payment transaction details directly in the Magento 2 backend:

From the version 1.3.4 you can see the diagnostic reports in the var/log/ folder.
An example of report:
dfe_stripe-exception-2016-08-20–01-04.log (23.2 KB)

From the version 1.3.5 you can navigate to the Stripe’s transaction page directly from the corresponding Magento 2 transaction page:

The version 1.3.6 is released.
The «Payment Information» backend and frontend blocks are improved:



The version 1.4.0 is released.
From now on, the extension keeps the bank cards details, and the customer can use them for the next payments with just a click.
The bank cards details are stored on the Stripe server, so your store does not need to be PCI DSS certified.

A new demo video shows saving and reusing bank cards:

The version 1.5.0 is released.
From now on, you can specify the payment currency in the backend.

You have the following options:

  • Base Currency (your primary backend currency)
  • Order Currency (the currency shown to the customer on the frontend)
  • any other currency, which is enabled in Mageno 2 and has an exchange rate set

The version 1.6.0 is released.
From now on, you can make a partial refund not only from the Magento 2 backend (which is supported for a long time), but from the Stripe account too (before today, the extension supported only the full refund from the Stripe account):

2 posts were split to a new topic: How many licenses should I buy for 2 websites?

2 posts were split to a new topic: Can I buy a Mage2.PRO extension by my own (of course, lower) price?

A post was split to a new topic: How is the Stripe extension PCI compliant although it doesn’t use IFRAME?

The extension’s code repository has been moved to GitHub:

Since the version 1.7.2 you can require the cardholder’s name from your customers.

How can I add a card image to appear in the list of Payment Methods page before the label/title of Stripe payment method within the list of the accepted payment methods?

There is my customization service for it.
You can also do it yourself because the extension is open source.

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