Moip integration

The extension integrates your Magento 2 store with the Moip payment service (Brazil).
The source is on GitHub:

How to buy

Use the PayPal form below:

You can try it before buy

Use the self-installation instruction below.

Want to get the extension for free?

It is possible: ask Moip to buy the full exclusive rights on my extension and release it for free to all Moip merchants.
It will cost $10.000.
The price includes 1 year of my free installation and support service to all Moip merchants.
Then the exclusive rights holder can prolong my free installation and support service to all Moip merchants, it will cost $5.000 in a year.

Are you a Brazilian web agency?

You can buy the full exclusive rights on my extension on the same terms as described above (and do what you want with it, e.g. provide for free to your clients or resell).
Some Brazilian merchants are interesting in Magento 2 and want Moip as their payment solution, so providing such solution would help you to attract new clients and get new contracts.

Are you an international shop looking for a Latin American payment solution?

Please read 3 simple facts about the Brazilian eCommerce market, and how my extension fit in it.

How to install

1. Free installation service

Just order my free installation service.

2. Self-installation

composer require mage2pro/moip:*
bin/magento setup:upgrade
rm -rf pub/static/* && bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy pt_BR en_US <additional locales>
rm -rf var/di var/generation generated/code && bin/magento setup:di:compile

If you have some problems while executing these commands, then check the detailed instruction.


1. Bank card payments

1.1. The frontend payment form

1.1.1. A payment with a Hipercard bank card

1.1.2. A payment with an «Itaucard 2.0 Nacional Hiper» bank card

1.1.3. A payment with an Elo bank card

1.2. The «Payment Information» block

1.2.1. Frontend (inside the customer’s account)

1.2.2. Backend

2. Boleto bancário

2.1. A printed boleto slip

2.2. The «Payment Information» block

2.2.1. Frontend, inside the customer’s account

2.2.2. Frontend, the «checkout success» page

3. The backend orders grid

4. The extension’s settings

Please let me know when the extension is ready. I am willing to pay for the Moip extension in Magento 2 including its installation.


I want to know if the Moip extension that is on Github:
Will be released today, or if isn’t where it will be,

Kind Regards,
Vinícius Zomer

No, it will not be released today.
It will be released when I will want it.

The extension is available for purchase.
Please note that it is not yet production ready, but I need beta testers, and buying it now in the beta stage, you will get 1 month of my generic Magento 2 support service for free.

The extension seems to be production ready now.